
Collection of quarantine news, found 1.136 news.

Quarantine underway for 224 Indonesian migrant workers

As many as 224 Indonesian migrant workers are undergoing quarantine at several flats in Batam, Riau Islands Province, ...

All hajj dormitories prep for self-isolation of COVID-19 patients

The Religious Affairs Ministry affirmed that all hajj dormitories across the country are readied for self-isolation of ...

Smiths Medical issues worldwide notification regarding the recall of Jelco® Hypodermic Needle-Pro® Fixed Needle Insulin Syringe with skewed graduation markings

Smiths Medical has become aware of specific models and lots of Jelco® Hypodermic Needle-Pro® Fixed Needle Insulin ...

NTT returns 23 rare birds to Maluku for release to their habitat

The East Nusa Tenggara Natural Resources Conservation Office (BKSDA) returned 23 cockatoos or cacatua galerita ...

BNPB transfers control of self-isolation facilities to local govts

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has transferred the management of self-isolation facilities for COVID-19 ...

Customs officers avert smuggling of 121,942 lobster larvae

A joint team of personnel from the Eastern Sumatra and Palembang's Customs and Excise Offices seized 121,942 ...

185 toddlers infected with COVID-19 in Bangka so far

At least 185 toddlers in Bangka district, Bangka Belitung Islands province have contracted COVID-19 since March last ...

Indonesia aiming for one million daily vaccinations in July

Indonesia is striving to ramp up its vaccination program to administer between 750 thousand and one million COVID-19 ...

Jakarta police summon McDonald's over BTS meal deal purchase frenzy

The management staff of dozens of Indonesian McDonald's outlets faced questioning by the Jakarta metropolitan ...

Government to assist regions in setting up self-quarantine facilities

The government will extend assistance to local administrations to establish COVID-19 self-isolation and quarantine ...

Hospitalization of 405 other COVID-19 patients at Wisma Atlet

The Wisma Atlet Kemayoran emergency hospital in Central Jakarta received 405 other COVID-19 patients over the past 24 ...

Jokowi witnesses vaccination drive for bus drivers at Kampung Rambutan

Bus drivers and conductors at the Kampung Rambutan Bus Terminal in East Jakarta were among the one thousand people to ...

Aceh Tsunami Museum closed amid Aceh's growing Covid infection rate

The Aceh Tsunami Museum in Banda Aceh is closed to visitors after the city's COVID-19 infection rate increased in ...

Semarang's STIE Bank Jateng building used as COVID-19 quarantine site

The Central Java provincial government has prepared the college of economics (STIE) at Bank Jateng in Semarang city to ...

389 asymptomatic carriers quarantined at Boyolali's haj dormitory

Some 389 COVID-19 asymptomatic carriers from greater Solo and Kudus District's areas commenced their mandatory ...