
Collection of rail news, found 655 news.

Indonesia's economy grew 5.01% in Q4 of 2022: BPS

Indonesia's economy grew 5.01 percent in the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to the year-ago period on the back of ...

Jakarta seeks more TransJakarta buses to ease congestion

Acting Jakarta Governor Heru Budi Hartono has asked Jakarta-owned bus rapid transit service TransJakarta to ...

NLE making logistics processes simpler: minister

The National Logistics Ecosystem (NLE) is helping simplify national logistics processes and make them more efficient by ...

Investment outside Java reflects focus on uniform development

The continued growth of investment realization in regions outside Java reflects the government's consistency in ...

Sumadi seeks faster completion of Maros-Mandai railway line

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi has called for expediting the completion of the Maros-Mandai railway line, ...

InJourney to revamp Semarang Old City

State-owned tourism holding PT Aviasi Pariwisata Indonesia (Persero) or InJourney is preparing to revitalize the Old ...

Near normalcy restored in train service at Gambir, Senen stations

Train departures from Gambir Station and Pasar Senen Station in Central Jakarta have returned to almost normal ...

Northern Java railway travel normalizes as Semarang floods subside

Normalcy was restored in railway travel in the northern Java railway line, as floodwaters that inundated sections of ...

Price fluctuations of basic commodities at year end temporary: House

The House of Representatives (DPR) of the Republic of Indonesia made assurance that fluctuations in prices of basic ...

President reviews infrastructure development at Jakarta main stations

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) reviewed infrastructure development at two main stations in the capital city—Tanah ...

President makes note of issue impeding Manggarai station project

The limited railway operation hours meant that the second phase of the Manggarai Station revitalization project would ...

President Jokowi officiates revitalized Manggarai Railway Station

President Joko Widodo officiated the completed first phase of the revitalization of Manggarai Station in South Jakarta, ...

President Jokowi rides new LRT train to TMII Station

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) rode a Light Rail Transit (LRT) train for a trial run from Harjamukti Station, Cibubur, ...

Some 38 thousand passengers depart from Jakarta stations: KAI

Some 38 thousand train passengers departed from the Gambir and Pasar Senen Stations on Friday, or two days before ...

Govt bolsters transportation facilities to anticipate Christmas surge

The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) is preparing additional transportation fleets on land, sea, and air to ...