#ramadan month

Collection of ramadan month news, found 93 news.

Ministry, BI organize banknote exchange ahead of Eid

The Industry Ministry is collaborating with Bank Indonesia (BI) to help people exchange rupiah banknotes for the ...

Jasa Marga addresses viral video showing Eid exodus traffic jam

State-run toll operator PT Jasa Marga has tendered an explanation related to a viral video showing a traffic jam ahead ...

SOE minister provides 40 thousand staple food packages in Jabodetabek

State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Erick Thohir prepared as many as 40 thousand food packages for the low-cost ...

No need for panic buying of fuel: Pertamina

State-run commercial and trading sub-holding PT Pertamina Patra Niaga has appealed to the public against panic buying, ...

Additional quota suggested for subsidized fuels: ESDM Minister

The government has suggested to the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) to increase the quota for subsidized ...

Government extends PPKM in regions outside Java-Bali for two weeks

The Indonesian government has decided to extend the implementation of public activity restrictions (PPKM) in regions ...

Palu: Tsunami-hit area becomes hotspot during Ramadan

The coastal area in Talise village of Palu City, Central Sulawesi, which was once hit by a tsunami, has become a ...

Jakarta social office to monitor 44 locations during Ramadan

The Jakarta Social Affairs Office has informed that it will focus on supervising 44 locations where problems related to ...

Coal trucks banned from getting subsidized diesel fuel: Pertamina

State oil and gas firm Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati stressed that the law did not permit the filling of ...

President instructs staff to anticipate fuel shortage: VP

Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said that President Joko Widodo has instructed his staff to anticipate a ...

Socio-economic activities expected to increase during Ramadan, Eid

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati is upbeat about the community's economic and social activities increasing ...

House speaker urges government to secure diesel fuel availability

House of Representatives (DPR) speaker Puan Maharani urged the government to ensure the availability of diesel fuel in ...

Padang's 125,000 students to join Ramadan Islamic school's activities

At least 125 thousand elementary and junior high school students in Padang, West Sumatra, will partake in activities at ...

Industry Ministry ensures adequate cooking oil stocks during Ramadan

Director-General of Agro Industry at the Ministry of Industry, Putu Juli Ardika, has made assurance that cooking oil ...

W Java increase booster vaccination ahead of Eid Al-Fitr homecoming

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil has said that the province’s COVID-19 Task Force will increase the coverage of ...