#rapid development

Collection of rapid development news, found 196 news.

Trace Hangzhou's vitality beyond the Asian Games venues

- Recently, the cauldron of the 19th Asian Games will be lit in the Chinese eastern city Hangzhou where the globally ...

President tasks new minister with pursuing completion of BTS project

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has tasked newly sworn-in Communication and Informatics Minister, Budi Arie Setiadi, ...

JKN participants reaches 93% for less than 10 years, BPJS Kesehatan is in the spotlight in South Africa

Indonesia has undertaken sweeping reforms that only a few multi payer countries have been able to achieve. Indonesia ...

Government needs literary communities to preserve literature: Ministry

The Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Ministry (Kemendikbudristek) said the government highly values its ...

Huawei Supports Digital Data Governance as Part of the Digital Transformation of Bureaucracy

Leading ICT provider, Huawei, actively supports all efforts to increase awareness of the importance of cloud-based ...

Indonesia is paragon in promoting lifelong learning: UNESCO

Chair of the Governing Board UNESCO's Institute for Lifelong Learning Daniel Baril stated that Indonesia had ...

Utilize digital economy to stoke growth: MPR

Deputy Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), Lestari Moerdijat, has called for the utilization of ...

Need to impart Pancasila values to children: PPPA Ministry

The Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) Ministry has emphasized the need for instilling Pancasila ...

Aiming for manufacturing sector GDP contribution of 30%: minister

National Development Planning Minister Suharso Monoarfa is aiming to bring the contribution of Indonesia’s ...

ASEAN chairmanship can help expand Indonesia's export market: expert

West Java recorded that cars with a capacity of under 10 seats are the most exported goods from the province to ASEAN ...

Support Indonesia-China Smart City Technology & Investment Expo: Kadin

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (Kadin’s) China Committee (KIKT) has expressed support ...

Indrawati outlines four challenges for Indonesian and global economy

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati drew attention to four major challenges for the Indonesian and the global ...

Educators' role key in helping nation face demographic bonus: Hartono

The Jakarta acting governor, Heru Budi Hartono, has said that educators have a strategic role in preparing the ...

Huawei Announces Switch to MetaERP, Redefining Enterprises' Core Business Systems

Huawei announced that it has replaced the legacy ERP system with its MetaERP system over which it has full control. ...

Indonesia cooperating with China to bolster health transformation

Indonesia is cooperating with China through the 3rd High-Level Dialogue to bolster its health transformation, which ...