
Collection of reading news, found 888 news.

Panel of judges decides to detain Ahok

The North Jakarta District Courts panel of judges decided to detain Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) ...

Muslim demonstrators urged to accept judges` verdict in Ahok`s trial

The National Movement to Safeguard the Indonesian Ulema Councils Fatwa (GNPF-MUI) leader Bachtiar Nasir has asked ...

Islamic book fair features 20 thousand book titles

The Islamic Book Fair 2017, being held on March 3-7 in Jakarta, is featuring 20 thousand Islamic book titles of ...

Indonesia goes all out to fight spread of hoax

The Indonesian government has expressed concern over the spread of false news through various social media platforms ...

President Jokowi meets social activists to discuss education

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) met several activists engaged in promoting the reading culture across Indonesia, ...

Low literacy rate contributes to spread of hoax: expert

The low level of literacy has led several people to believe in hoax or fake news, Chief Editor of Trans Media Titin ...

Indonesia needs to revive interest in reading books

Study about "Most Literate Nations In the World" by Central Connecticut State University in 2016 placed Indonesia ...

Ahok claims no evidence indicating he insulted Islam

Incumbent Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) defended himself by claiming there was no evidence that he ...

Legal team once denied permission to meet Siti Aisyah

The legal team was once not granted access to meet Siti Aisyah to seek information from its client. "We sought ...

Court to hear evidences in Siti Aisyah`s trial

The court session for the Kim Jong Nam murder case involving Indonesian national Siti Aisyah on Thursday, April 13, in ...

Public prosecutors to present evidence to charge Siti Aisyah: Ministry

The Foreign Affairs Ministry said public prosecutors will have to show evidence on April 13 in order to charge Siti ...

Hindu community solemnly observes Day of Seclusion

Followers of Hinduism in Indonesia abandoned their routine activities and solemnly observed the Hindu Day of Seclusion ...

Students in Papua asks government to close Freeport

Around 400 students from a number of campuses took to the street here on Monday asking the government to close PT ...

Siti Aisyah charged with murder

Siti Aisyah (SA), an Indonesian named as a suspect in the assassination of North Korean Kim Jong Nam in Malaysia, was ...

Festival indonesia in Russia part of economic diplomacy

The Indonesian Embassy in Moscow will again host the Festival Indonesia this year as part of economic diplomacy ...