#research center

Collection of research center news, found 651 news.

Government seeks to increase number of entrepreneurs

The Government of Indonesia continues to take steps to increase the number of entrepreneurs in the country, Economic ...

International disaster research laboratory to be built in Simeulue, Aceh

Three international natural disaster research laboratories are to be built in Simeulue district, Aceh province as the ...

India Joins Ranks of CGAP Members

-     In a clear sign of its increasing influence on the global financial stage, India has today ...

Berg Pharma Presents Key Findings In Cancer Systems Biology And Mitochondrial Metabolism

-     Berg Pharma, a Boston based pharmaceutical company presented novel data today pertaining to ...

Batan teknologi to tap world radioisotope market

Indonesian State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan has urged PT Batan Teknologi to increase its production of ...

Police trying to identify orangutan slaughter`s mastermind

Although a number of people suspected of slaughtering orangutans in Kutai Timur district, East Kalimantan, have ...

Calories, not protein, boost body fat: study

People who eat too much of a high-calorie, low-protein diet tend to gain more body fat than people who overeat high ...

Study finds potential risk factor for developing dementia, alzheimer`s disease in women

A hormone derived from visceral fat called adiponectin may play a role as a risk factor for development of all-cause ...

NASA`s Kepler confirms its first habitable planet

In another step toward finding Earth-like planets that may hold life, NASA said Monday its Kepler space telescope has ...

UI to set up nanotechnology research center

State University of Indonesia (UI) plans to set up a nanotechnology research center that will provide basic research ...

Emerging evidence sheds some light on orangutan killing case

At the beginning, some people considered a report on the slaughtering of Kalimantan (Borneo) orangutan (pongo ...

Asean urged to settle South China Sea conflict

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) through its summit here from November 17 to 19 is expected to ...

Indonesia need not expect much from obama`s arrival: young politician

Not much could be expected from US President Barack Obama`s presence at the 19th ASEAN Summit in Bali on November 19, ...

ASEAN to form partnerships to promote traditional medicine

ASEAN member countries have agreed to establish partnerships to promote traditional medicine through among other ...

Rice fields need better infrastructures

Indonesia needs to develop its dams and irrigation to overcome desolation during droughts so that the country`s 7.5 ...