
Collection of resident news, found 1.665 news.

Indramayu migrant worker lost contact for 16 years in Saudi

Sarifah, 33, an Indonesian migrant worker in Saudi Arabia, lost contact with her family in Indramayu District of West ...

Floods kill six people in Riau: Rescue agency

Floods that have been inundating certain parts of Riau Province in Sumatra Island over the past two months have ...

Police name 10 suspects in baby trade

The Surabaya City Police have named 10 suspects in baby trade through the social media, after they had investigated it ...

Sigi District`s flash floods disrupt Trans Sulawesi road

Flash floods inundated the Trans-Sulawesi road connecting Palu, the capital city of Central Sulawesi Province, to ...

North Sumatran resident among victims of Papuan rebels` brutal shootings

The coffin of a North Sumatra resident, who died in the brutal killings by armed Papuan rebels, was flown from Jakarta ...

Credit expansion more aggressive rising 13.35 percent: OJK

Banks were more aggressive in credit expansion with disbursements growing 13.35 percent year-on-year in October this ...

Government`s one-price fuel program brings cheer by Eliswan Azly

The government`s one-price BBM program to create evenness and justice has brought cheer to the communities that live ...

People search for their relatives following attack on bridge workers

Around 90 people have attempted to find their relatives killed by armed Papuan rebels, who launched a deadly attack on ...

Organizers estimate three million attending 212 alumni reunion rally

The organizers of the 212 alumni reunion have estimated that some three million participants took part in the rally ...

Participants of 212 alumni reunion throng Monas

Participants of the 212 alumni reunion rally who came from Jakarta and its satellite towns thronged the rally places ...

Police arrest american national on drug charges

The Surabaya city police in East Java has arrested an American national on charges of possessing hashish and crystal ...

Five coffins of Lion Air crash victims flown to Pangkalpinang

Five coffins of the Lion Air crash victims would have arrived at Depati Amir Airport in Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung ...

Japan confers awards on two figures in E Java

The Japanese government conferred the star of service 2018 awards to two figures in East Java for their contribution ...

Three victims of Lion Air crash identified: Forensic doctor

Three bodies of the ill-fated Lion Air flight JT 610`s passengers have been identified by the Indonesian Police`s ...

people want lrt project to be completed soon

Jakarta residents urged the regional government to accelerate the completion of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) project ...