#residential areas

Collection of residential areas news, found 454 news.

WIKA supports government's plan to move capital city

- which has been experienced in steel fabrication (bridges, conveyors, platework), heavy equipment, and ...

School, homes in Sorong, West Papua, inundated by floods

Floods, arising from continual torrential downpour since Sunday, have inundated numerous homes and a school in Sorong, ...

News Focus

News Focus -- East Java accelerates flood mitigation efforts

Indonesia is currently transitioning from rainy to the dry season that usually begins in April or May. However, high ...

Floods hit 13 districts in East Java

Floods have hit 13 districts in East Java Province since Wednesday, March 6, 2019, following incessant heavy rains ...

Floods inundate 32 villages in North Musi Rawas, South Sumatra

Floods have inundated 32 villages in five sub-districts in North Musi Rawas District, South Sumatra Province, ...

South Sulawesi hit by worst flooding in last decade

The Indonesian Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has warned of possible flooding as the country is ...

Flash flood takes Makassar residents by surprise

A flash flood took residents of Antang Makassar residential area in Manggala Sub-district, here, by surprise as flood ...

Heavy rain triggers flooding in Makassar

Parts of Makassar City were flooded following incessant heavy rain that fell from Monday evening until Tuesday ...

Presidential candidates challenged by Baswedan case, KPK bomb threats

The first round of official debates of the two pairs of Indonesian presidential and vice presidential candidates kicks ...

News focus - Taking care of tourist attractions in Gunung Kidul By Otniel Tamindael

Gunung Kidul District in the Special Autonomous Province of Yogyakarta is endowed with varied natural and marine ...

Flood inundates residential areas in Pangandaran

A flood inundated residential areas and roads in Pangadanran District, West Java, following incessant rain on Monday ...

Four killed, two missing in flooding in Tasikmalaya

Four people were killed and two missing as floods hit a coastal region in Tasikmalaya District, West Java Province, on ...

WCC urges parents to improve supervision of girls

The Women`s Crisis Center (WCC) of Palembang in South Sumatra has urged parents in the province to improve supervision ...

Death toll of C Sulawesi earthquake reaches 2,102

The death toll of a magnitude-7.4 earthquake and a subsequent tsunami that hit Central Sulawesi on Sept 28, 2018, ...

Residents in Palu to be relocated to safer regions

The Indonesian government has made a master plan for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of earthquake-tsunami torn ...