#residential areas

Collection of residential areas news, found 454 news.

Riau firefighters extinguish 60 wildfires during January-July period

During the January-July 2015 period, Riaus firefighters have put out 60 fires that have razed forest, peatland, and ...

Indonesia reiterates support for Palestine

Indonesia reiterated its support for Palestine in its efforts to fight for its right to establish an independent and ...

Social affairs ministry monitoring Jakarta floods

The Social Affairs Ministry has been monitoring the flood situation that has affected Jakarta after the Ciliwung River ...

Overflowing Bekasi River inundates residential areas

The residential areas located along the banks of Bekasi River were inundated as it overflowed its banks on Wednesday ...

Flash flooding forces 487 East Jakartans to seek temporary shelter

The flash floods from Bogor, West Java, have forced 487 inhabitants of Kampung Pulo and Bidara Cina to evacuate to ...

Floods inundate hundreds of houses in Binjai, N. Sumatra

Floods triggered by incessant heavy rains inundated hundreds of houses in two subdistricts in Binjai Town, North ...

Ukraine, Russia leaders to meet in a bid to rescue truce

Ukraines President Petro Poroshenko on Saturday said he will meet with Russias Vladimir Putin next week as Kiev ...

Netanyahu UN speech `blatant manipulation of facts`: PLO

The Palestine Liberation Organisation said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blatantly manipulated the facts ...

Government implementing Ciliwung River restoration project

The central and regional governments are cooperating to restore the water quality of Ciliwung River to solve the ...

Mt Slamet spews magma 10 times

Mount Slamet, which straddles the five districts of Banyumas, Purbalingga, Pemalang, Tegal, and Brebes in Central ...

Over 4.5 thousand hectares of rice fields inundated in Banggai

Some 4,530 hectares of rice fields were inundated in West Toili Subdistrict, Banggai District, Central Sulawesi, on ...

Indonesians flock to polling stations

Indonesians living in eastern parts of the country have flocked to polling stations in their respective areas on ...

Tens of houses inundated in Subang, W. Java

Floods inundated several houses in the Subang District, West Java Province, following incessant heavy rains that ...

Floods inundate 18 thousand houses in Bandung district

Around 18 thousand houses were inundated in Bojongsoang, Baleendah and Dayeuhkolot sub-districts, Bandung District, ...

Central Sulawesi Mining Activities Disturb Wildlife Habitat

Destructive mining practices have had a serious impact on the environment, ecosystems and wildlife habitat in ...