#risk factors

Collection of risk factors news, found 288 news.

Diabetes Day reminder of importance of physical exercise: ministry

World Diabetes Day, which is commemorated every November 14, serves as a reminder to people about the importance of ...

Health Ministry outlines three diabetes-handling concepts

Deputy Minister of Health Dante Saksono Harbuwono called for applying the three crucial concepts of education, early ...

Vaping carries lung cancer risk: YKI

The risk of lung cancer from vapes or e-cigarettes is believed to be the same as that from cigarettes, according to the ...

Ministry awards stakeholders contributing in the health development

The Indonesian Health Ministry has conferred awards on a number of parties who have contributed to the health ...

BPOM takes down 6,001 online links selling unsafe syrup drugs

The National Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) has taken down 6,001 links across websites, social media, and ...

TB mitigation not just about medication: ministry

 The handling of tuberculosis (TB) not only requires medication, but also environmental, behavioral, nutritional, ...

Active cross-sectoral role paramount to eliminating TB by 2030: Minister

The Indonesian Health Ministry affirmed that the target for the elimination of tuberculosis (TB) by 2030 necessitates ...

Minister ensures pharmaceutical industry maintains drug quality

The Industry Ministry cooperates with the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), Health Ministry, and pharmaceutical ...

Minister Sadikin presents Indonesia's BGSi at exhibition in Singapore

Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin introduced the Biomedical and Genome Science Initiative (BGSi) to ...

Thirty percent risk of cancer due to overeating: YKI

Thirty percent of cancer risk is caused by habitual factors such as eating too much, Chairperson of the Indonesian ...

Ministry promotes active lifestyle for preventing osteoporosis

The Ministry of Health has encouraged the community to lead an active lifestyle in order to prevent osteoporosis early ...

Govt finds compounds in drugs that could trigger acute kidney failure

The Health Ministry has detected traces of compounds in samples of drugs consumed by patients in Indonesia that have ...

G20 Indonesia

Ministry outlines COVID-19 procedures for G20 Summit delegates

The Health Ministry has prepared a COVID-19 screening process for delegates who will attend the G20 Summit in Bali, ...

Ministry promotes breast cancer awareness to prevent late detection

The Health Ministry has continued to promote awareness against and protect Indonesians from breast cancer through four ...

Elastic names Barrie Sheers vice president of Asia-Pacific and Japan

Elastic (NYSE: ESTC), the company behind Elasticsearch, today announced the appointment of Barrie Sheers as vice ...