#rohingya indonesia

Collection of rohingya indonesia news, found 6 news.

Navy, police conduct patrol to halt Rohingya boats from entering Riau

The Indonesian Navy and the Rokan Hilir Water and Air Police conducted a joint patrol to prevent boats carrying ...

Countries in UN Refugee Convention should resolve Rohingya issue: RI

Indonesia urged the international community, especially countries that are party to the 1951 Refugee Convention, to ...

House reaffirms Indonesia's attitude regarding Rohingnya crisis

House Speaker Bambang Soesatyo reaffirmed Indonesia`s attitude toward the Rohingya humanitarian crisis in Myanmar, ...

Indonesia must be firm on rohingya issue: Legislator

A legislator has called on the Indonesian government to be firm and take official stance on the violations against the ...

Politician calls for Indonesia`s diplomatic measure on Rohingya persecution

A politician of the National Awakening Party (PKB), Abdul Kadir Karding, has urged the Indonesian government to take ...

Indonesia could play role in solving Rohingya issue

Political expert from the Indonesian Science Institute Ikrar Nusa Bhakti said Indonesia could play an important role ...