
Collection of satellite news, found 1.002 news.

Haze comes back in Sumatra and Kalimantan

Haze has come back on Sumatra and Kalimantan Islands over the past few weeks, affecting the environment, the local ...

Pakistan orders troops in after 65 dead in Karachi

Pakistan Friday ordered 1,000 extra troops to deploy in Karachi with instructions to shoot-to-kill after another 65 ...

Fire destroys hectares of peat forest in Riau

Tens of hectares of peat land have been gutted by fire at Medang Kampai, Dumai, Riau Province, over the past six ...

Haze disturbs air traffic at Dumai`s Airport

Haze from forest and plantation fires has forced the authorities of Pinang Kampai airport here to delay a flight for ...

Seven hotspots detected in Riau

The US National Oceanic Atmospheric Agency (NOAA)`s Satellite 18 has detected seven hotspots in Riau, according to ...

Hughes Awarded Expansion Orders for Indonesian Banking Sector

-       Two major banks in Indonesia expand networks by more than 1500 HX satellite ...

RI aims to reduce transportation accidents

The government is launching a program aimed at cutting down by half in the next ten years the number of transportation ...

Ri Aims To Reduce Transportation Accidents

The government is launching a program aimed at cutting down by half in the next ten years the number of transportation ...

Agency detects 35 hotspots in Sumatra

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) of Riau Province has detected at least 35 hotspots in ...

Eritrea volcano eruption sends ash plume 15 km up: VAAC

The Dubbi volcano in Eritrea erupted and sent a plume of ash up to 15 kilometres into the air on Monday, the Volcanic ...

Sri Lanka`s former war zone gets TV, radio back

Sri Lanka on Monday opened a communications tower that will bring national television and radio back to the north of ...

RI calls for increased use of outer space technology

Indonesian Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Vienna Ambassador I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja has called ...

Greenomics questions moratorium map`s accuracy

Greenomics Indonesia has questioned the accuracy of the Indicative Map attached in the Presidential Instruction No. ...

Mikdad calls for strengthening NAM role

Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister Dr. Faisal Mikdad on Thursday delivered Syria`s statement at the 16th ...

Real opposition should never use weapons, violence against citizens

`Syria is being exposed to a foreign conspiracy, in which some Arab mass media have played a role through deliberate ...