#se sulawesi

Collection of se sulawesi news, found 131 news.

Myanmar immigrants reportedly escape from SE Sulawesi

Thirteen illegal immigrants from Myanmar, who were detained at a hotel for three weeks in the city of Kendari in South ...

LDII plants 3,000 mangrove trees in SE Sulawesi

The Indonesian Islam Propagation Institute (LDII) has planted at least 3,000 mangrove trees on the Teluk Kendari ...

Wakatobi needs Rp5 billion for tourism development

Wakatobi district`s tourism and creative economy office needs Rp5 billion in funds from the 2012 regional budget to ...

Wakatobi, Lembata districts to cooperate in air, sea transportation

The governments of Wakatobi district in Southeast Sulawesi and Lembata district in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) ...

SE Sulawesi can become cattle production center

Deputy Agriculture Minister Rusman Heriawan said South East Sulawesi had the potential to become a cattle production ...

VP to open applied technology exhibition in Kendari

Vice President Boediono is scheduled to open the 13th National Applied Technology Exhibition in Kendari, Southeast ...

Some 8,000 in SE Sulawesi at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS

Southeast Sulawesi has an estimated total of 8,000 people spread in 10 districts and two cities who are at risk of ...

PT. ASDP ferry Indonesia opens two new routes in 2012

River, lake and ferry service PT. Angkutan Sungai Danau dan Penyeberangan (ASDP) Ferry Indonesia, Luwuk branch, ...

Search for missing passengers of sunken motorboat continues

Rescue workers on Sunday continued their search for missing passengers of an overcrowded ferry which sank off the ...

Five dead, 93 saved after boat capsizes in SE Sulawesi

Search and rescue teams in Southeast Sulawesi evacuated 98 passengers of a boat that capsized in Lambasina waters in ...

PT Billy to build 600-MW power plant in Sulawesi

Nickel mining firm PT Billy International will soon build a power plant with a capacity of 600 megawatts in Kabaena ...

Minister lays cornerstone for construction of Marine Conservation School

Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister Fade Muhammad laid the first cornerstone for the construction of a School for ...

Minister Launches Sail Wakatobi Belitong 2011

Coordinating Minister for People`s Welfare Agung Laksono here on Saturday launched Sail Wakatobi-Belitong (SWB) ...

Minister to lay SPI corner stone in Wakatobi

Fisheries Minister Fadel Muhammad will lay the first corner stone of the Wakatobi International Fishery School on July ...

UNDP To Finance Wakatobi International Fishery School

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) will fully finance the construction of the International Fishery School ...