#seaweed farming

Collection of seaweed farming news, found 46 news.

Police HQ recommends routine patrol along Indonesia-Malaysia sea border

The Indonesian Police Headquarters has recommended a routine patrol along the Indonesia-Malaysia sea border, ...

Indonesia open to option of international court to resolve Montara case

Director General of Public Law Administration, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Cahyo R Muzhar, as member of the ...

Malaysia deports 11 Indonesian seaweed farmers held for trespassing

Malaysia has released eleven Indonesian seaweed farmers who were recently arrested by their maritime police for ...

Seaweed major source of Indonesian farmers` income

Cultivation of seaweed as a major source of income for tens of thousands of Indonesian farmers is being intensified to ...

Indonesia - Fiji Strengthen the Partnership in Marine and Fishery Sectors

- The 2nd Pacific Islands Development Forum held in Fiji on this year was a highly valued moment for the Government of ...

MMAF - FAO Conduct Seaweed Workshop

- The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today conducted a ...

Indonesia to host International Seaweed Symposium

The International Seaweed Association (ISA) has selected Indonesia to host the 21st International Seaweed Symposium ...

Seaweed farming to create jobs for 650,188 people

Indonesia`s maritime affairs and fisheries ministry is keen on developing seaweed cultivation because seaweed farming ...

Seaweed suitable for implementation of blue economy concept

Seaweed is a commodity that is suitable for the implementation of the blue economy concept, which looks into the ...

Four Indonesian ministers to visit Sebatik Island

Four ministers are scheduled to visit Sebatik Island bordering Malaysia on Sunday to carry out a number of activities ...

Frst marine to set up seaweed processing plant in Bontang

PT First Marine, a seaweed powder company in Makassar, plans to set up a factory in Bontang, East Kalimantan, ...

Coral reef destruction caused by Montara explosion

Timor Sea observer Ferdi Tanoni said the destruction of coral reefs in Sawu waters in East Nusa Tenggara was caused by ...

RI`s claim to damages over oil spill facing dead end

Indonesia`s efforts to seek US$2.4 billion in damages from a Thai oil drilling company for an oil spill in the Timor ...

Fadel: RI produces around 3 million tons of seaweed

Indonesia`s seaweed production is still around 3.082 million tons while world demand reaches 10 million tons a year, ...

Morewali projected as biggest seaweed producing region

The Minister of Marine and Fishery Affairs, Fadel Muhammad, will proclaim Morowali district, Central Sulawesi, as the ...