#security officers

Collection of security officers news, found 420 news.

As Sunnah boarding school's attackers should face legal action: VP

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin urged law enforcers to legally process 300 unidentified people, who attacked the As ...

Government implements lockdown in Wisma Atlet to thwart Omicron

Coordinator of the Wisma Atlet Kemayoran Emergency Hospital (RSDC) Major General Budiman affirmed that the policy to ...

Unknown people torch school building in Papua

A group of unknown people torched one of the buildings of state senior high school (SMAN) 1 Oksibil in Pegunungan ...

IBF organizer collects 6,233 samples for COVID-19 tests

The organizing committee of the Indonesia Badminton Festival (IBF) held in Bali have collected some 6,233 ...

COVID-19 handling spokesperson lauds security guards, receptionists

Government spokesperson for COVID-19 Handling, Reisa Broto Asmoro, has lauded security officers, hotel door guards, and ...

World Superbike

Optimizing the multiplier effect of Mandalika Circuit hosting WSBK

Mandalika bypass road, which will shorten the trip between the two locations to 15 minutes. This month, the circuit ...

Some 930 personnel secure Indonesia Badminton Festival bubble scheme

Some 930 joint personnel of the military, police, and National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) were deployed to ...

Security teams deployed at Mandalika Circuit commence operation

Teams of security officers dispatched for the Mandalika International Street Circuit hosting international events this ...

Proud of National Sports Product

The 20th National Sports Week was successfully hosted by Papua Province despite concerns over security issues and the ...

PON Papua

Spectators go through four checkpoints to attend PON opening ceremony

Spectators joining the opening ceremony of the 20th National Sports Week (PON) at the Lukas Enembe Stadium, Papua ...

News Focus

Papua terror campaigns hobble development efforts

The Indonesian government has been making dedicated efforts to accelerate regional development in Papua and West Papua ...

Nemangkawi task force raid Papuan terrorists' weapons storage

Personnel of the Nemangkawi Task Force, on Wednesday, raided a house in the Ambruk complex area of Yahukimo District, ...

Indonesian Army evacuates civilians from Kiwirok

A Bell 412EP helicopter belonging to the Indonesian Army (TNI AD) evacuated three civilians from Kiwirok ...

Central Jakarta malls ask parents to accompany children under 12

Some Central Jakarta malls have made it mandatory for children under 12 years to be accompanied by parents when ...

Borobudur reopening trial with PeduliLindungi going well: official

The authorities of PT Taman Wisata (TWC) Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko Temples have said that the reopening trial ...