#semarang city

Collection of semarang city news, found 169 news.

Semarang hospital catches fire

A general hospital at Jalan Ketileng Indah, Semarang, Central Java, caught fire on Sunday. There were no ...

First Lady Inaugurates Renovated Lawang Sewu Building

First Lady Ani Yudhoyono arrived here Tuesday morning to inaugurate the newly renovated Lawang Sewu building, an ...

Governor mobilizes soldiers to accelerate Lawang Sewu`s renovation

Central Java Governor Bibit Waluyo has mobilized tens of soldiers to help accelerate the renovation of Lawang Sewu, a ...

Temanggung riot suspects still being grilled

Police are still interrogating 22 suspects in the recent sectarian riot in Temanggung, Central Java. "The 22 ...