Over the past one week, residents in several Indonesian regions have been terrorized by issues of parcel bombs which ...
Japan`s post-disaster economy predicted would not affect the Indonesian economy despite the many aspects interrelated ...
Tohoku Electric Power Co. said Sunday that radiation rose to 21 micro sievert, around 400 times higher than the normal ...
Some 16,969 Singaporean tourists visiting the resort island in January 2011 or 121.4 percent increase over the same ...
The Health Ministry is to review the prices of generic drugs in the market in light of the fact that an increase in ...
Jakarta police plan to deploy around 3,000 personnel to ensure security during the trial of Islamic cleric Abu Bakar ...
Three corpses of Ahmadiyah followers killed in clashes with local residents on Sunday morning at 10.30 am, were still ...
Six followers of the Ahamadiyah Islamic sect were killed in a clash with residents in Umbulan village, Cikeusik ...
The government thinks the sharp increase in the world oil price spurred by the crisis in Egypt will not last long nor ...
Hundreds of thousands of Egyptians took to the streets on Tuesday in scenes never before seen in this Arab nation`s ...
As many as 300 people may have died in anti-government unrest in Egypt and the role of the security forces in the ...
Three men were shot dead as protesters battled police at an anti-government rally in the Albanian capital on Friday, ...
US law enforcement agents snatched more than 100 alleged Cosa Nostra mobsters in arrests around New York Thursday in ...
Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak was on Monday to quit his Labour party, a key member of the ruling coalition, and ...
The official death toll from the Queensland flood disaster has now reached 15, with the discovery of another body in ...