
Collection of siak news, found 316 news.

Three choppers deployed to tackle hotspots in Riau

The Riau Provincial Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) has deployed three helicopters to conduct water bombing ...

President cancels visits to Riau, Jambi due to thick haze

President Joko Widodo cancelled his visits to Sumatras provinces of Riau and Jambi on Friday morning due to thick ...

Over 25.5 thousand people taken ill by haze in Riau

The Riau health office has recorded that 25,524 people have fallen ill due to the haze as the air quality has reached ...

Riau police name 32 suspects in plantation fire cases

The Riau provincial police have named 32 suspects in forest and plantation fire cases, and 21 of them have been handed ...

Pekanbaru airport opens health post for passengers - (d)

Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport in Pekanbaru, Riau Province, has opened a health post for passengers exposed to haze ...

Pekanbaru, rRau identify 42 reserve cultural sites

The head of the Pekanbaru Culture and Tourism Office in Riau Province, Hermanius, said the city has identified 42 ...

Riau authorities extinguish 10 bushfires

The fire brigade and disaster mitigation office of Pekanbaru, Riau Province, has extinguished bushfires in at least 10 ...

Fire in kampar`s Islamic boarding school claims two lives

A fire gutted Al Ihsan Islamic Boarding School and killed two students in Kubang Jaya village, Siak Hulu Sub-district, ...

BMKG reveals 28 hotspots across Sumatra Island

The Meteorological, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) announced that 28 hotspots have been detected across ...

Satellite detects 72 hotspots in Sumatra

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 18 satellite of the United States operated in Singapore, ...

Indonesian hotspots still need prompt response

Indonesian forest fires in Kalimantan and Sumatra, particularly in Riau Province, where fires have burnt 25 thousand ...

NOAA18 satellite detects 98 hotspots in Sumatra

The United States NOAA18 satellite operated by Singapore has detected 98 hotspots in Sumatra on Tuesday, of which 37 ...

Bush fires feared to hit Sumatra

Bush fires are a growing threat in Sumatra with Terra and Aqua satellite detecting more hot spots mainly in the ...

SKK Migas receives sixth unqualified opinion rating

The State Audit Board (BPK) has given the unqualified opinion rating for the sixth time to the Upstream Oil and Gas ...

RI`s oil output forecast to increase in second half

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) has forecast that Indonesias crude oil ...