
Collection of smoke news, found 719 news.

Peat forest restoration is collective responsibility: VP

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has said that the restoration of burned peat forests was a shared responsibility among the ...

Indonesia thanks Australia for assistance in handling forest fires

Indonesias President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has expressed gratitude to Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull for ...

Barujari eruption raises Segara Anak lake`s water level

Mount Barujaris eruption, in the form of lava flows, has raised Segara Anak Lakes water level, according to ...

Australia provides equipment to fire affected areas

The Australian Government has expanded its contribution to Indonesian efforts to mitigate the effects and spread of ...

Second blast hits Somali hotel, attackers and police exchange fire

A second explosion rocked a hotel in the centre of the Somali capital on Sunday and security forces exchanged fire ...

Lawmaker condemns house leaders wearing masks during plenary meeting

The National Democrat (NasDem) Party lawmaker Johnny G. Plate has voiced his criticism over several leaders of the ...

VP Kalla dispatches PMI team to haze-affected areas

Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla, who is concurrently chairman of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), dispatched a PMI ...

Learn preventive measures to counter haze impacts: Indonesia minister

Health Minister Nila Djuwita Anfasa Moeloek has called on the public to learn preventive measures against the impacts ...

Animals Also Victims of Forest Fires

The hazardous haze emanating from the ongoing forest and plantation fires has led to 10 deaths, left 503 thousand ...

Rains reduce the number of hotspots

Rains in several parts of Sumatra and Kalimantan islands on Tuesday and Wednesday reduced the number of hotspots, ...

President set to have office in Palembang

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is set to have an office in Palembang to monitor the handling of land and forest fires ...

Thin smoke from Sumatra reaches northern Banten waters

The smoke arising from land and forest fires in Sumatra and Kalimantan has been spotted over the waters of north ...

Air quality in Sampit reportedly improving

Air quality in Sampit, Central Kalimantan, is reported to be improving after certain areas received rain recently, ...

President Jokowi makes transit stop in Amsterdam

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his entourage landed at the Schiphol Airport Amsterdam, the Netherlands, ...

Government to assist small, medium enterprises affected by haze: VP

The government will assist micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) affected by the haze that has been blanketing ...