#social media platforms

Collection of social media platforms news, found 418 news.

Civil sanction needed for social media platforms: Minister

There needs to be a civil sanction for social media platforms carrying negative content, Minister of Communication and ...

Mastermind behind deadly Wamena rioting arrested by Indonesian police

The Indonesian police in Jayawijaya, Papua, arrested a village head, identified by his initials as YA, 45, for ...

385 Wamena riot survivors keen to return to city: military

Some 385 survivors of the recent Wamena rioting are eager to return to Jayawijaya District’s capital city ...

Weekend Stories

Indonesian young protesters offer hope to safeguard freedom, democracy

A university students' group marched in a human chain from nearby bus stops and closest train stations to the House ...

'Discover Ningxia' 2019 International Cultural Tourism Festival ends on perfect note

'Discover Ningxia' 2019 International Cultural Tourism Festival ended on a perfect note in Ningxia. 20 international ...

Jokowi urged to rebuild properties in Jayapura, Wamena

Jayapura Chapter KH Kahar Yelipele has appealed to President Joko Widodo to rebuild houses and kiosks that rioters set ...

NU-Jayapura chapter declines calls for jihad in Papua

The Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in Jayapura, Papua’s capital city, expressed rejection to calls for jihad or fighting in ...

Nippon Express opens official LinkedIn account

-Nippon Express Co., Ltd. opened an official LinkedIn account on Tuesday, October 1.In the "Nippon Express Group ...

TNI AU Hercules plane transports 88 refugees back to Wamena

A total of 88 people, who had fled Wamena after the Sept-23 rioting, were flown home aboard an Indonesian Air Force ...

Paulus Waterpauw affirms no jihadists in Papua following Wamena riot

Papua Police Chief Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw made assurance of no jihadist having arrived in Papua Province in ...

Tjahjanto pledges to enable riot survivors' smooth return to Wamena

Indonesian Military (TNI) Commander Air Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto made a solemn promise to facilitate survivors of ...

SOE minister thanks Papuan student for saving PLN workers

 State-Owned Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno thanked Neheima Wamu for his courage in saving workers and a ...

69 Wamena riot survivors return to West Java on Wednesday: Official

West Java Chapter and Daarut Tauhid's Care. "Prior to their departure, they underwent medical check-ups at ...

Social workers to work with Wamena riot survivors

The Social Affairs Ministry has deployed several social workers and volunteers to help survivors of the recent Wamena ...

Minister Wiranto, Military, Police chiefs review condition in Wamena

Coordinating Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Minister Wiranto, Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) Chief Marshal ...