
Collection of soybean news, found 285 news.

Yearender - Indonesia`s agriculture has better prospects in 2017

The El Nino weather phenomenon that struck Indonesia in 2015, bringing droughts and wide-spread forest and land fires, ...

Indonesia`s tempe promoted at Oxford University

A group of Indonesian students in the United Kingdom recently organized a workshop on tempe (fermented soybean cake) ...

IAEA assigns Indonesia to be plant breeding center

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) assigns the Indonesian National Nuclear Energy Agency (Batan) to be a ...

Expanding Indonesian export markets to Africa and South Asia

The 31st Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) this year surprised many as several Asian and African countries dominated business ...

Minister Hartarto tells small industries to improve their capacity

Industry minister Airlangga Hartarto on Wednesday called upon small- and medium-scale industries to improve their ...

Govt guarantees basic commodity supplies

The government has guaranteed that adequate stocks of essential commodities will be maintained until the end of the ...

Surplus predicted in Indonesia`s rice supply

The agriculture ministry said the country is expected to have a surplus of 11.38 million tons in supply of milled ...

North Sumatra`s corn production up on improved productivity

North Sumatra has recorded an increase in corn production on improved productivity over the past several years. ...

Indonesian halal products sold out at Moscow Halal Expo

Indonesian foods, including instant noodles, peanuts, and chips, as well as traditional beverages such as red ginger ...

Indonesian nuclear agency shares bioenergy crop breeding technology with Asia

Indonesias National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) has shared the nuclear technology on gene mutation used to breed ...

Govt preparing Rp30 trillion for strategic crops

Agriculture Minister Amran Sulaiman said the government is preparing to offer microloan credit (KUR) worth Rp30 ...

RI encourages downstream palm oil industry

The Indonesian government continues to encourage the downstream palm oil industry as part of its efforts to maintain ...

Indonesia, Malaysia set up council of palm oil producing countries

Indonesia and Malaysia, both biggest palm oil producing countries in the world, will set up a Council of Palm Oil ...

Food gets priority in development: Minister

Indonesias Agriculture Minister Amran Sulaiman has said the government continues to accord priority to food ...

Intensive steps planned to overrcome poverty

The Indonesian government is planning to take labor intensive measures to develop retention basins and extend seed ...