#special team

Collection of special team news, found 227 news.

BKPM believes Newmont case will not affect investments

The Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Mahendra Siregar, said he believed the lawsuit filed by PT ...

Indonesian government prepares counter-lawsuit against Newmont

The Indonesian government is preparing a counter-lawsuit against PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara and has set up a team to ...

Special team to investigate killing incidents in Timika

The Papua regional police command has sent a special team to Timika, the capital of Mimika district in Papua, to ...

Oil spill of Petro Selat pollutes environment

The oil spill from a leaked well of PT Petro Selat, in Siak District of Riau Province, has polluted the environment in ...

Indonesian gov continues negotiations on Sutinah`s amends

Indonesian government continues to negotiate for Sutinah, a woman migrant worker who had received death sentence from ...

Security During General Elections To Be Prioritized

Ahead of the legislative and presidential elections scheduled on April 9 and July 9, respectively, the government has ...

Election Body Working To End Voters' List Problem

In making preparations for general elections, the registration process is one of the most difficult tasks, as data ...

Police set up team to probe Kuningan shooting incident

Police have formed a team to investigate the shooting to death of a policeman in Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta, on ...

Anti-terrorist squad involved in hunt for police killers

Following the killing of two policemen, a manhunt is being carried out by the anti-terrorist squad Densus 88 from the ...

KPK: Radical method needed to eradicate corruption in Indonesia

Chairman of the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Abraham Samad said the fight against corruption in ...

As floods cripple Jakarta, President calls for public safety first

Jakarta (ANTARA News) Most parts of Jakarta were covered with flood water on Thursday crippling transports to the ...

Army special force command personnel help evacuate Jakarta flood victims

Personnel of the Indonesian Army`s Special Force Command (Kopassus) have been deployed to help evacuate flood victims ...

Malaysia has to handle rape case on RI immigrant worker fairly ( corrected version in paragraph 15)

Malaysia has to take immediate steps to process fairly an alleged gang-rape by three Malaysian policemen of an ...

Mmalaysia has to handle rape case on RI immigrant fairly

Malaysia has to take immediate steps to process fairly an alleged gang-rape by three Malaysian policemen of an ...

Malaysian police appoints special team for Indonesian citizen rape case

Pinang Island Regional Police have set up a special team to investigate a case involving the alleged rape of an ...