#special team

Collection of special team news, found 227 news.

New regulation expected to pave way for infrastructure development

Problems in acquiring land for infrastructure projects have so far been regarded as the main stumbling block that has ...

Russian team coming to investigate Sukhoi crash

A team from Russia is expected to arrive here on Thursday evening to investigate the crash of Sukhoi Superjet 100 near ...

Team to probe into three migrant workers` deaths

Indonesia`s foreign ministry has set up a team to investigate the death case of three migrant workers in Malaysia, ...

Probe into migrant workers` deaths in Malaysia badly needed

The peculiarity surrounding the recent death of three Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia has become the ...

Some 203 RI workers facing death sentence abroad

A total of 203 Indonesian migrant workers are currently known to be facing the death penalty in a number of foreign ...

Migrant worker task force again to send team to Saudi Arabia

The Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Task Force (Satgas TKI) will again send a special team to Saudi Arabia in ...

Bima clash needs to be investigated independently

While an investigation into bloody clashes between security forces and local people that claimed the lives of nine ...

Jakarta police uncover Dutch-supplied narcotics ring

Police have uncovered a drug distribution operation believed to have been supplied from the Netherlands in Jakarta`s ...

Freeport resumes production activities in Papua

PT Freeport Indonesia has resumed its production activities in Papua province after they were temporarily stopped last ...

Freeport temporarily stops production in Papua

PT Freeport Indonesia has temporarily stopped production of gold and copper due to rising tension between its ...

news focus: shooting at Freeport must be investigated

The shooting incident during a clash between demonstrating PT Freeport workers and patrolling police in Mimika, Papua, ...

LPSK to form team to protect Nazaruddin

The Victim and Witness Protection Institute (LPSK) plans to form a team in response to calls for the protection of ...

Man`s death in Indian Kashmir sparks fresh tension

The death of a 28-year-old man in police custody in Indian Kashmir sparked fresh tensions Sunday even as the region`s ...

Inidian Kashmir paralysed by rape protest

A general strike paralysed India`s Muslim-majority Kashmir valley on Saturday in a second day of protest against the ...

Hunt for Nazaruddin continues

Former Democrat Party treasurer M Nazaruddin,who is wanted as a suspect in a corruption case, has been on the run for ...