
Collection of straits news, found 661 news.

Indonesian share prices close higher on Wednesday

Indonesian share prices closed higher on Wednesday on investors confident that the countrys economic fundamentals is ...

Samudra Pasai worthy to be world historical site

Samudra Pasai sites located in Samudra sub-district, North Aceh district, Aceh Province, is the first Islamic kingdom ...

Jangkrik gas to be utilized for electricity generation, fertilizer industry

The gas output from the Jangkrik field in the Muara Bakau Block will be utilized for electricity generation and the ...

Snowstorm hits traffic in Istanbul; straits closed, flights cancelled

A snowstorm forced the closure of Turkeys key shipping straits and sweeping flight cancellations on Saturday (Jan. 7), ...

Jakarta index open lower in first trading day of 2017

The Jakarta composite index (JCI) opened slightly lower on Tuesday in the opening of the the first trading day of the ...

Tax amnesty gives positive sentiment to domestic market players

The governments tax amnesty program has given positive sentiment to the domestic market with index of Indonesian Stock ...

IHSG Selasa ditutup naik 22,09 poin

Indeks harga saham gabungan (IHSG) di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), Selasa, ditutup naik sebesar 22,09 poin didorong ...

Indonesia, Singapore agree to increase capacity of human resources

The Sea Transportation Directorate General of Indonesian Transportation Ministry and Maritime and Port Authority of ...

Indonesia, Singapore discuss shipping security at Malacca Strait

Officials from Indonesia and Singapore met here on Wednesday to discuss shipping security in the Malacca-Singapore ...

President jOKOWI witnesses airborne exercise in natuna islands

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and First Lady Iriana Widodo witnessed the Angkasa Yudha airborne exercise ...

Indonesia hosts conference on maritime security in Malacca Strait

Indonesia is hosting a Tripartite Technical Experts Group conference on maritime security in the Malacca and Singapore ...

Indonesia encourages cooperation with Scandinavian countries

Indonesia, through its Ministry of State Enterprises, is encouraging domestic companies to cooperate with firms in ...

Pingtan, an emerging new mainland spot for international island explorers

-Pingtan Islands, located in the middle of the coastline of Fujian Province, China, is the closest place to Taiwan on ...

Jakarta composite index up

The market reacted positively to Presidents account of the progress in the countrys economic development in his ...

Jakarta composite index down on profit taking

Profit taking has resulted in a decline in the Jakarta composite index (IHSG) in two successive days on Wednesday, ...