#stunting all

Collection of stunting all news, found 1.562 news.

Early marriage causes child disability, osteoporosis in mothers: BKKBN

The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) has criticized those facilitating and conducting early ...

BKKBN improves BKB to strengthen stunting prevention at family level

The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) aims to improve the quality of the Toddler and Child Family ...

VP Amin calls for end to violence at educational institutions

\Vice President Ma'ruf Amin pressed for concerted efforts to be made to cease all forms of violence at ...

BKKBN lauds high family planning awareness in S Kalimantan

Head of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN)  Hasto Wardoyo  has lauded South ...

G20 Indonesia

Optimize ISCOS 2022 to support G20 Presidency, realize SDGs: VP

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin called to optimize implementation of the Indonesian Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ...

Indonesia taking steps to eradicate poverty, stunting: VP Amin

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin reiterated the government's resolve to eradicate extreme poverty and stunted growth ...

MPR deputy speaker calls for transparency in social aid distribution

The People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Deputy Speaker Lestari Moerdijat laid emphasis on the importance of ...

PTPN III (Persero) Nusantara Plantation Holding Establishes Cooperation with World Milk Producers to Increase National Milk Production

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Up until today, Indonesia is still facing stunting or malnutrition problem that hampers healthy ...

Bali provides healthy foods to 200 families to reduce stunting

At least 200 families in Bali received healthy food aid from the province’s Family Prosperity Empowerment (PKK) ...

Govt, IRRI developing more nutritional rice to handle stunting

The Ministry of Agriculture is collaborating with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) to develop rice ...

Stunting cases in Surabaya declined in past two years: Mayor

The number of cases of stunting in the city decreased in the last two years, with a percentage of over 90 percent, ...

Gen Z is starting point for building Indonesia's glory: DPR

Generation Z (Gen Z) was the starting point for building Indonesia's glory amid globalization through superior and ...

BKKBN, ministries devising guidelines for stunting reduction mechanism

The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) and five ministries are formulating guidelines for the ...

Government promotes long-term food reserves

The government has pushed for an improvement in long-term food reserves to anticipate likely issues pertaining to ...

Aurum Group Indonesia Supports Lumajang's Economic Recovery through Rebuilding the Kajar Kuning Bridge Post-Eruption of the Mount Semeru and Strengthening MSMEs with the PKK Driving Force Team

The dynamics of accelerating economic recovery during the Covid-19 pandemic differ in its development from one region ...