
Collection of supplements news, found 301 news.

Feeling ’22: Mary Kay Inc. announces awards, milestones, and accomplishments from first half of the year

Mary Kay Inc. is feeling ’22. Throughout the first half of the year, the iconic global entrepreneurship company has ...

Midwives have important role in stunting reduction: BKKBN

Midwives are playing an important role in assisting families to support childhood stunting reduction efforts in ...

Stress, overeating can trigger GERD: expert

Stress and overeating can trigger gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), an internist has ...

BKKBN takes digitalization route to prevent stunting in remote regions

The National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN) is striving to reach remote regions through digitalization ...

Young women should take blood supplements to avoid stunting: Minister

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin reminded Indonesian young women to start regularly consuming blood supplements in ...

Academy of Marketing Science Mary Kay Doctoral Dissertation Awards presented at 2022 annual conference

Mary Kay Inc. a leading corporate advocate of women’s empowerment and entrepreneurship, continued its decades-long ...

Having breakfast, limiting caffeine help prevent child stunting: BKKBN

Having breakfast and limiting caffeine consumption can help prevent pregnant women from having stunted babies, Head of ...

BPOM upskills Safe Jamu and Cosmetics ambassadors

The National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) has organized advanced training for Safe Jamu (Indonesian ...

BPOM calls to increase knowledge on safe herbs, cosmetics

The National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) deems it necessary to improve public knowledge regarding the safety ...

Mary Kay Inc. partners with Dr. Jack Gilbert to further study skin’s “Microbiome” and the impact on the aging process

Mary Kay Inc., one of the world’s leading skincare research companies, has announced a new partnership with Dr. Jack ...

Global experts and practitioners unite to improve ocean health by tackling systemic challenges in marine management

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are key tools for reducing threats to biodiversity, safeguarding marine and coastal ...

Mary Kay Inc. partners with the Society of Investigative Dermatology (SID) to award educational grants to academic research fellows for advancement in research to promote skin health

Mary Kay Inc., a global leader in skincare innovation, recently sponsored and revealed its inaugural Mary Kay Skin ...

Mary Kay Inc. presents new findings on pollution and skin health at Society for Investigative Dermatology Conference

Mary Kay Inc., a global leader in skin care innovation, continued its ongoing support of the beauty and scientific ...

Mary Kay Inc. highlights coral reef preservation on Coral Triangle Day 2022

The Coral Triangle is the international heart of coral reefs and the lifeline of our oceans. To celebrate Coral ...

Eels can be a health supplement and medicine to heal wounds: Professor

Professor of Pharmacy at Andalas University (Unand) Padang, Prof. Febriyenti, has said that eels, or monopterus albus, ...