#supply electricity

Collection of supply electricity news, found 72 news.

Indonesia exploring electricity exports to Singapore: minister

The Indonesian government is currently exploring exporting electricity to Singapore as there could be potential ...

Pertamina, PLN synergize to build energy research center

State-owned oil company Pertamina has synergized with state-owned electricity company PLN to build an energy research ...

PLN offers to supply electricity, steam to Pertamina's Rokan Block

State-owned electricity company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) submitted its initial offering to supply electricity ...

Electrification for 1,123 villages in Papua, West Papua

State-owned electricity firm PLN hope to supply electricity to 1,123 villages in Papua and West Papua Provinces by the ...

PLN urged to strengthen infrastructure capability: legislator

State-owned electricity firm PLN is expected to prevent recurrence of Sunday's major blackout afflicting certain ...

Investigation results of Sunday's power outage to be announced: police

A joint investigation team will declare the results of its preliminary investigation into Sunday's major blackout ...

Blackout causes Rp507 million financial dent to MRT

The blackout in Jakarta on Sunday (Aug 4) has caused financial losses amounting to Rp507 million to mass rapid transit ...

News Focus

Key takeaways from Sunday's blackout for ensuring energy security

Sunday's major blackout that hit the areas of Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Central Java, and East Java has been ...

PLN gradually recovers electricity supply

State-owned electricity firm PT PLN has recovered electric power to Balaraja Extra High Voltage substation in ...

Stable electricity eludes several thousand families in Sigi

State-owned electricity company PLN has yet to provide electricity to thousands of families in five villages in Lindu ...

NTT Com develops the largest data center in Indonesia

- NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com), the ICT solutions and international communications business within the NTT ...

Certain flood-affected areas in Papua still facing blackout: PLN

Certain areas in Sentani, Papua Province, are still undergoing power outages as a result of the recent flash floods and ...

Germany sends 40 power generators to disaster-hit Central Sulawesi

The German Government, responding to its Indonesian counterpart`s request for urgent and specific aid, has sent 40 ...

New PLTA comes on stream in East Manggarai

A new hydroelectric power plant (PLTA) with a capacity of 1 megawatt will soon come on stream in the district of East ...

President issues orders to repair tsunami detection buoys

President Joko Widodo has given instructions to conduct repairs of tsunami detection buoys that have been damaged and ...