
Collection of swimming news, found 529 news.

PON Papua

Emilia Nova bags gold in women's 100-meter hurdles

Emilia Nova, a national athlete from Jakarta, secured the gold medal in the women's 100-meter hurdles at the Papua ...

PON Papua

Record broken on day-one of Papua PON pool finswimming

Vania Elvira Elent Rahmadani from East Java broke the national record in the women's 400-meter pool surface ...

PON Papua

Thohir to maximize SOEs' role in Indonesia's sports development

State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Minister Erick Thohir has said that he will maximize the role of state-owned enterprises ...

PON Athlete

Fuad Ramadhan, Aceh's ace athlete in running

Five years ago in West Java, Fuad Ramadhan had managed to win a gold medal in the 400 meters running category in the ...

PON Papua

Pandjaitan to open athletics match, inaugurate Mimika Sport Complex

Chairman of the Indonesian Athletics Association (PB PASI) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan is scheduled to open the 20th PON ...

PON Papua

Health Protocol Task Force distributes 2,000 masks in Mimika arenas

The Health Protocol Task Force at the National Sports Week (PON) XX distributed two thousand special masks for free at ...

PON Papua

Sports Ministry encourages national, int'l sports activities in Papua

Minister of Youth and Sports Zainudin Amali has said that his ministry is committed to encouraging the organization of ...

Papua PON: Jakarta-East Java bag gold in open waters swimming

Athletes from Jakarta and East Java both won gold in the open waters swimming sports branch at the Papua National ...

PON Papua

Details of seven PON venues in Papua inaugurated by Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated seven venues of the 20th National Sports Week (PON) in Papua by signing ...

News Focus

Ensuring an orderly, secure and protected Papua games

Jakarta office has adopted preventive measures by assigning 20 police officers in Jakarta's contingent. The ...

Women's rock climbing team secures first PON gold for NTB

The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) contingent for the PON XX National Games bagged its first gold medal after the women's ...

Chris John hopes to find his successor during Papua PON

Former featherweight champion of the World Boxing Association (WBA), Chris John, has said that he is hoping to find his ...

Papua PON: Must-visit photo op locations around Jayapura clusters

Jayapura City and Jayapura District are two of the four venue clusters where the XX National Sports Week (PON) will be ...

PRSI plans national swimming championship after PON

Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Swimming Association's Central Executive Board (PB PRSI) Harlin Erlianto ...

Operators of East Java's tourist spots urged to use PeduliLindungi app

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa made an earnest request to operators of the province's tourist ...