#technology minister

Collection of technology minister news, found 354 news.

RI, China exploring cooperation on renewable energy

Indonesia and China are exploring cooperation on the development of renewable energy, a cabinet minister said. ...

Minister challenges researchers to create renewable technologies

Research and Technology Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta has challenged domestic forestry researchers to make innovations ...

RI ministry organizing Open Science Meeting

The Office of the Minister for Research and Technology is organizing the 6th Open Science Meeting in cooperation with ...

Govt still has no plan to build nuke plant

The government still has no plan to build a nuclear power plant in the near future as it still has to familiarize the ...

Mari Elka challenged to develop creative economy

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Mari Elka Pangestu said she was now challenged to develop the sectors of ...

President Yudoyono installs new ministers, deputy ministers

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the State Palace here on Wednesday installed new ministers and deputy ministers ...

VP launches road safety decade 2011-2020

Vice President Boediono on Monday launched Road Safety Decade 2011-2020, hoping it could keep down the number of road ...

Habibie: ridiculous for not choosing CN-235

Former Indonesian President Prof Dr BJ Habibie said choosing the MA-60, manufactured by Xian Aircraft Industry ...

Former minister criticizes failure to disband NII

Former Research and Technology Minister Muhammad A.S. Hikam has criticized the government and law enforcers for ...

ASEAN countries seeking RI`s aid for open source IT

ASEAN member states have asked for Indonesia`s assistance to implement open source software-based information ...

No need for govt to prioritize 26 pct carbon reduction target

The government does not need to prioritize the target of reducing carbon dioxide by 26 percent in 2020 as Indonesia ...

RI Tech ministry sponsoring bio-pharmaceutical Center in Karanganyar

The research and technology ministry is sponsoring the formation of a bio-pharmaceutical center in Karanganyar ...

Indonesians now have easier access to geographically referenced information B

The increasing consumers demand for geographically referenced information, known as geospatial information, will bring ...

House passes geospatial information bill into law

The House of Representatives (DPR) in its plenary session on Tuesday agreed to pass the Geospatial Information (GI) ...

Indonesia unlikely to halt its nuclear plan

Despite growing opposition and concern sparked by the ongoing nuclear crisis in Japan, Indonesia is unlikely to halt ...