#terror threats

Collection of terror threats news, found 57 news.

Central Sulawesi police chief offers holding dialog with armed group

Central Sulawesi Police Chief Brigadier General Idham Azis affirmed his readiness to hold a dialog with the members of ...

Indonesian police arrest two terror suspects in East Java

The Indonesian Police has arrested two terror suspects in East Java who are believed to be linked to terrorist ...

Legislators to question terror threat ahead of elections

Member of the House of Representatives Commission-I, Tjahjo Kumolo, will question the task of State Intelligence ...

Police chief instructs ramping up vigilance against terrorism during elections

Chief of Indonesian Police General Sutarman instructed all ranks of police personnel to heighten awareness on ...

Counter-terrorism Agency warns people of terror acts

Head of the National Counter-terrorism Agency (BNPT) Ansyaad Mbai warned the people on Thursday, of terror threats ...

Medan police deploy 2,525 officers to secure X-Mas

North Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Wisjnu Amat Sastro said the local authorities ready to secure Christmas ...

Police to secure 38,499 churches during the holiday season

The Indonesian Police will protect 38,499 churches as part of the 10-day Operation Candle, from December 23, 2012 to ...

year-ender: police ready to secure X`Mas festivities

The National Police will field at least 83 personnel to secure year-end festivities nation-wide, particularly during ...

ASEAN Plus Three to cooperate to ensure food, energy security

ASEAN`s 10 member countries along with their Plus Three partners - China, South Korea and Japan -have agreed to ...

News Focus : Why Justin Bieber was not deterred by RI bomb scares

World pop star Justin Bieber performed last week in Bogor, West Java, while the media rap continuing stories on the ...

Parcel bomb scare grips residents in many regions

Over the past one week, residents in several Indonesian regions have been terrorized by issues of parcel bombs which ...

TNI intensifying intelligence, territorial operations

The National Defense Forces (TNI) is intensifying its intelligence and territorial command operations to anticipate ...