#text message

Collection of text message news, found 244 news.

Komodo Island promotion activities being intensified

The tourism and culture ministry has decided to withdraw the candidacy of Komodo for inclusion in the New Seven ...

Millions of short text messages needed to support Komodo in N7W

Former Vice President M Jusuf Kalla has called on Indonesian people to send short text messages (SMS) by mobile ...

High-ranking figure behind Nasrudin`s murder, says brother

The younger brother of slain businessman Nasruddin Zulkarnaen said a high-ranking figure was responsible for his ...

Mass transportation to reduce fuel oil consumption

The development of mass transportation is one solution to reduce fuel oil consumption, Energy and Mineral Resources ...

More people no longer send Idul Fitri greeting cards

Indonesian post offices are no longer crowded with people intending to send Idul Fitri greeting cards to relatives or ...

Pros and cons on Komodo`s withdrawal from New7wonders competition

The culture and tourism ministry`s decision to withdraw the Komodo National Park from participation in the final ...

Taliban claim assassination of Kandahar mayor

The Taliban on Wednesday claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing that killed the mayor of Kandahar, the group ...

`Qaeda` suicide bomber in pickup kills 9 Yemeni troops

A suicide bomber Sunday detonated a truck packed with explosives at an army camp in Aden, killing nine soldiers, a ...

`Qaeda` suicide bomber in pickup kills 9 Yemeni troops

A suicide bomber Sunday detonated a truck packed with explosives at an army camp in Aden, killing nine soldiers, a ...

Police to call Anas on Nazaruddin`s defamatory, slandering acts

Investigators of the National Police`s Investigation and Criminal Department will on Wednesday (July 27) question ...

Democrats` attitude on Nazaruddin changing: Hendardi

The dynamics in the Democrat Party (PD) is now changing from protecting its former treasurer M. Nazaruddin to ...

Democrat Party chairman reports Nazaruddin to police

Democrat Party Chairman Anas Urbaningrum has formally reported the party`s former treasurer, M Nazaruddin, to the ...

BNP2TKI launches "Halo TKI" call center

The National Agency for Placement and Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (BNP2TKI) here Monday launched a ...

Govt Under Fire For Failure To Protect Migrant Worker

The government is now under fire from various quarters at home for its failure to protect migrant worker Ruyati binti ...

Security tightened prior to Ba`asyir`s sentencing

Threats of multiple bombing attacks and those against the judges handling the case of Abu Bakar Ba`asyir have ...