#the indonesian police

Collection of the indonesian police news, found 1.531 news.

Garut police arrest 115 illegal immigrants

Police arrested 115 illegal immigrants from Myanmar, Bangladesh and Africa in a villa, Banjarwangi Subdistrict, ...

Australia Spares No Mercy For Asylum Seekers

In Indonesia, there is an old saying expressing one`s love of country, regardless of problems.  As the saying ...

Indonesian police name bus driver suspect in deadly accident

Police have named Muhammad Amin, the driver of Giri Indah tourist bus, a suspect in a deadly accident at Tugu Utara ...

Good transport services ensure smooth transfers during Idul Fitri

The Indonesian people`s tradition of celebrating Idul Fitri in their hometowns with their extended families often ...

518 people killed in traffic accidents during Idul Fitri exodus

A total of 518 people were killed in 2,337 traffic accidents occurring up to three days after (D+3) Idul Fitri that ...

15 killed in W. Kalimantan traffic accidents

Fifteen fatalities due to traffic accidents were recorded in West Kalimantan during the Idul Fitri exodus, a policeman ...

Eight people killed in 37 traffic accidents in Riau

During the Operation "Ketupat" from August 2 to 11, eight people were killed in 37 traffic accidents in Riau Province, ...

Idul Fitri exodus sees fewer traffic accidents

The number of traffic accidents across Indonesia has decreased compared with the same time last year, despite the ...

Same group behind shooting attacks on Indonesian police

The Indonesian National Intelligence Agency (BIN) chief Marciano Norman has said there are strong indications that the ...

Indonesian police detain drivers of cars carrying illegal immigrants

Sukabumi police have detained six drivers of buses carrying 95 illegal immigrants from Middle East seeking to cross to ...

Indonesian and Australian police increase human smuggling monitoring

The Indonesian Police and the Australian Federal Policy (AFP) are stepping up efforts to monitor people smuggling in ...

Indonesian police monitoring narcotic drugs from Timor Leste

Indonesia police have stepped up their monitoring for possible flows of narcotic drugs from Timor Leste, head of crime ...

Police question six witnesses in C Sulawesi shooting incident

Police have questioned six witnesses in the shooting case involving unidentified persons at the South Palu police ...

Police capture 102 escapees from Tanjung Gusta prison

Police have captured 102 escapees from the Tanjung Gusta prison in Medan, North Sumatra, since the July 11 mass ...

Indonesian police detain two ship crews for immigrants smuggling

Police personnel of West Java provincial district of Karawang arrested two ship crews who brought in two illegal ...