#the muslims

Collection of the muslims news, found 1.938 news.

Indonesia expects support for Jerusalem resolution at UN General Assembly

Indonesia is expecting strong support for a resolution seeking the withdrawal of US President Donald Trump`s ...

Ten bodies found in mass grave in Myanmar

Myanmar authorities have found 10 bodies buried in a mass grave on the edge of a village in Rakhine State, the ...

Kalla asks people not to be emotional over Jerusalem issue

Vice President Jusuf Kalla said Indonesians do not need to be emotionally responsive to US President Donald Trump`s ...

Indonesia unites for Palestine

Rallies against the decision of the US administration to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel have been ...

Thousands stage rally to condemn President Trump`s move

Thousands of people staged a rally here on Monday to lend support to the Palestinian people`s struggle and condemn US ...

World Zakat Forum encourages zakat agencies to provide aid for Palestinians

The World Zakat Forum (WZF) has invited the "zakat" (almsgiving is treated in Islam as a religious obligation or tax) ...

Jerusalem forever belongs to Palestine

Meet Dr Norman Gary Finkelstein, 64, an American political scientist, activist, professor, author, and Jewish. ...

Jakarta police ready to secure `Bela Palestina` rally

The Jakarta police are getting ready to secure the "Bela Palestina" rally to be held at Monas Square, Sunday, ...

77 mass organizations stage rally to show solidarity with Palestine

Some 77 Islamic and youth organizations in West Aceh district staged a rally on Friday to show their solidarity with ...

Palestine thanked Indonesia for its support

The Palestinian Embassy for Indonesia expressed its gratitude towards Indonesia for the country`s support in declining ...

Jakarta protesters burn US, Israeli flags outside US Embassy

Hundreds of protesters again held a rally in front of the US Embassy, here, Monday, in protest of President Donald ...

"Golden Cane Warrior", "Rainbow Troops" screened in Netherlands

Two Indonesian movies, "The Golden Cane Warrior" directed by Ifa Isfansyah and "The Rainbow Troops" directed by Riri ...

Palestinian independence is not only a problem of Muslims: Minister

The fight for Palestinian independence is not solely an issue of Muslims, as it is included in the mandate of the ...

Trump has no sensitiveness to Jerusalem issue: MUI

The Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) said that US President Donald Trump`s move to support Jerusalem as Israel's ...

Indonesia opposes US embassy relocation to Jerusalem

Indonesia has disagreed with the plan to relocate the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, because of the ...