#the president and the minister

Collection of the president and the minister news, found 371 news.

President orders some ministers to talk with Ahmadiyah followers

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ordered some of his ministers to talk with Ahmadiyah followers with regard to ...

President summons welfare minister for repatriation of TKIS

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Wednesday afternoon summoned People`s Welfare Coordinating Minister Agung ...

Second Batch of 421 Indonesian Evacuees Arrive

The second batch of 421 Indonesian evacuees from Egypt arrived at Soekarno-Hatta airport by a Garuda flight on ...

RI signs fisheries accords with three countries

Indonesia`s marine affairs and fisheries ministry recently signed fishery agreements with three countries ...

RI attracts world business players in Davos

Indonesia which is less known to world businesses compared to China and India took the opportunity to build relations ...

VP to observe food resilience programs in 9 provinces

Vice President Boediono will observe and evaluate the implementation of food resilience programs at 12 regions in 9 ...

Australia thanks Indonesia for helping Queensland

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard thanked Indonesia for donating one million US dollars to support ...

President respects criticism : Minister

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono respects criticism leveled at the government so long as it is addressed directly to ...

President respects criticism : minister

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono respects criticism leveled at the government so long as it is addressed directly ...

Mandala routes not to be abandoned: Minister

Transport Minister Freddy Numberi said he did not fear that the routes of Mandala Airlines would be neglected ...

President cites need for government administration law

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has stressed the need for a law on government administration for Indonesia so that ...