#tourists to bali

Collection of tourists to bali news, found 245 news.

BIMC Hospital Nusa Dua Awarded an Interational Accreditation

- Bali Indonesia Medika Citra (BIMC) Hospital, Nusa Dua, Bali, is pleased to announce that it is awarded an ...

Chinese tourist arrivals to Bali rise 45.76 percent

Around 330,172 Chinese tourists visited Bali during the initial seven months of 2014, an increase of 45.76 percent as ...

Bali`s 3.5 million-tourist target reasonable: observer

Tourism industry observer Tjok Gede Agung considered the target of 3.5 million tourists expected to visit Bali in 2015 ...

Bali tourism ready to face aec 2015

Balis tourism and education sectors are ready to face the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015, claimed Chairman of ...

Bali Strives To Lure More Chinese Tourists

As more and more high-spending Chinese tourists travel abroad, Indonesia does not want to miss the opportunity of ...

Over 61% of Bali`s ceramic products exported to Singapore

The Indonesian tourist resort province of Bali exported about 61.92 percent of its ceramic products worth US$1.47 ...

Indonesia Optimistic Its Tourism Competitiveness Improves by Fardah

Indonesia has seen that the number of foreign tourist arrivals is soaring every year with the growth of about seven to ...

Pelindo expects 58 cruise ships to visit Bali in 2014

The seaport operator, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) III, of the Bali provincial chapter of Benoa, has set a target ...

Australian tourists to Bali increasing

Regardless of strained relations between Indonesia and Australia last month, the number of Australian tourists ...

Australian tourists to Bali unaffected by travel advisory

Australian tourists on holiday on the Indonesian island resort of Bali have said they remain unaffected by a travel ...

Police chief guarantees security of Australian tourists in Indonesia

Chief of Indonesias National Police General Sutarman has guaranteed that Australian tourists visiting Bali, in ...

China takes over Japan as Bali's second biggest tourist supplier

China has taken over Japan as Bali's second biggest tourist supplier and strengthened its position as one of the ten ...

Bali`s exports of products of small industries up 12.69%

Denpasar - Bali exported 77.58 million worth of products of small industries in the first five months of the year , up ...

Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia, Quiksilver, and Garuda Indonesia Gather Employees, Customers, Locals, and Tourists

Thousands of people in Kuta Beach got their hands dirty today to remove the trash on Kuta Beach. Coca-Cola Amatil ...

Tourist arrivals in Bali up 3.6 pct

More than 969,382 foreign tourists visited Bali in the first four months of 2013, up 3.60 percent from the same period ...