Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday that Moscow would like to see the Geneva communique reached by the major ...
Ministers attending the Action Group meeting on Syria that concluded in Geneva on Saturday have agreed upon a set of ...
International envoy Kofi Annan has proposed setting up a Syrian transitional government that could include followers ...
Officials in Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Fatah party expected on Monday that the inter-Palestinian ...
Libya on Sunday announced that elections for the country`s constituent assembly, initially slated to be held by June ...
About 70 soldiers from Burkina Faso were deployed in Guinea-Bissau on Thursday, the advance party of a 600-strong ...
A suicide bomber killed at least six people including two lawmakers in an attack in the central Somali town of ...
Leading Egyptian dissident Mohamed ElBaradei on Saturday unveiled a new party he said was aimed at rescuing last ...
Heavy fighting between gunmen in western Libya on Tuesday killed four people and left several more wounded, a local ...
Libya`s transitional government head Abdel Rahim al-Kib on Saturday announced that a ceasefire deal has been struck ...
More than 10 people were killed in clashes on Monday between Toubou tribesmen and residents of the southern city of ...
Libyan militias who helped oust Moamer Kadhafi have promised to turn over to the interim government strategic ...
Libya`s National Transitional Council on Monday re-elected Mustafa Abdel Jalil as its chairman and appointed two ...
A senior historian from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) predicts that the violence that has taken place in ...
Yemeni security forces shot dead a southern activist and wounded six others at Mukalla in the southeast on Thursday ...