
Collection of truth news, found 507 news.

1,970 Indonesian crew of German cruise ships return home

As many as 1,970 Indonesians working for several cruise ships in Germany have returned to Indonesia over the past few ...

Ministry affirms 808 Indonesian Jamaah Tabligh members stranded abroad

Indonesia’s Foreign Ministry recorded 1,165 members of the Jamaah Tabligh congregation from Indonesia spread ...

Difficult to make vaccine due to COVID-19 mutation: biologist

A professor of cell biology at Malang-based Brawijaya University has said the tendency of the coronavirus to mutate ...

COVID-19 task force confirms death of nurse in Surabaya City

A nurse of Dr Soewandhie Public Hospital's stroke unit in Surabaya, the capital of East Java Province, passed away ...

Again, videos on burial at sea of Indonesian on Chinese boat go viral

Three videos showing a burial at sea of an Indonesian crew member aboard a Chinese fishing boat went viral, following a ...

Police to scrutinize agencies that recruited crew for Chinese ship

Head of the National Police’s General Crime Unit, Police Brigadier General Ferdy Sambodo, stated that his ...

Ministry records 686 hoaxes on COVID-19

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics has, as of Wednesday, recorded 686 false news stories, or hoaxes, in ...

News Focus

Indonesia demands China's accountability for boat abuse

The horrific news on three Indonesian sailors on board of two Chinese fishing vessels who died in December 2019 and ...

Govt urged to thoroughly investigate Indonesian seafarers' deaths

Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI)'s Advisory Council Din Syamsuddin expected that the government ...

News Focus

Unraveling truth behind Indonesian seafarers' deaths on Chinese boats

The deaths of four Indonesian seafarers working for Chinese fishing vessels, of which three were buried at sea, comes ...

Weekend Stories

Paying of zakat during Ramadhan changes slightly amid coronavirus

In Indonesia, a country with the world’s largest Muslim population, silence shrouds most mosques and other ...

News Feature

ANTARA's Top 10 medical dramas that will intrigue audiences

Some people are fascinated by medical dramas because they are keen on observing how our bodies function, or ...

Hytera anti-pandemic solutions help contain the virus crisis

- The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has affected all of us. Given the difficulties the world is currently facing at this ...

Gov't calls on parties to adhere to public transportation protocols

Senior Advisor at the Executive Office of the President, Brian Sriprahastuti, urged all parties in Indonesia to ...

Data Gumbo enters Indonesian energy market with Air Drilling Associates’ adoption of GumboNet™, first use of blockchain in geothermal energy drilling

- Data Gumbo Corp., the trusted transactional blockchain network for tomorrow’s industrial leaders, today announced ...