#un security council resolution

Collection of un security council resolution news, found 96 news.

Indonesia encourages Finland to recognize Palestine

Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi called on the Government of Finland to state its recognition of the ...


Journey of Azerbaijan's city of Shusha to regaining its lost status

After a two-day international conference in the Caspian seaside city of Baku, over 200 delegates from 31 countries took ...

Minister pushes women's, peace, security agendas

Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Minister Bintang Puspayoga urged all relevant parties to collaborate and ...

Indonesian FM to attend UN High-Level Debate on Gaza

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi announced on Monday that she will attend the High-Level Debate at the United ...

Minister seeks more collaboration programs with UN Women

Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Minister Bintang Puspayoga has called for more massive cooperation and ...

US sanctions six individuals, three entities of Myanmar

The Unites States, on Tuesday, imposed sanctions on six individuals and three entities linked to the Myanmar military ...

Women's crucial role in achieving interfaith harmony, well-being

A lot more still needs to be done despite myriad efforts to advance the women's equality agenda globally. While ...

DPR's Inter-Parliamentary Body denounces Israeli aggression

The Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP) of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) has deplored the ...

Indonesia abstains on US resolution extending Iran arms embargo

Indonesia chose to abstain or declined to vote for extension of the UN resolution to extend an arms embargo on Iran as ...

Civil Society seeks humanitarian response in handling Rohingya crisis

The Coalition of Civil Society Organizations has praised the local people and Government of North Aceh for their ...

Marsudi confirms no Indonesian peacekeeping force contracted COVID-19

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi averred that no peacekeepers from Indonesia had been infected with ...

MUI condemns Hindu extremists' acts of terror against Indian Muslims

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and several Muslim organizations in Jakarta released a petition which strongly ...

Indonesia to organize training for women as agents of peace

In order to improve the role and participation of women in the peace process, including conflict prevention, conflict ...

Indonesia condemns closure of Temporary International Presence in Hebron

Indonesia condemns Israel's unilateral decision to close and end the mandate of international civilian observer ...

Indonesia should establish legal instrument for UNSC Resolution

The Indonesian government should establish a national legal instrument for the basis of implementing the United ...