
Collection of upp news, found 6 news.

Ministry provides glass-bottom boats for Likupang tourist destination

Directorate General of Sea Transportation of the Transportation Ministry has prepared two glass-bottom boats to boost ...

MV Tatamailau turns into floating hotel for Sail Tidore

The Directorate of Sea Transportation of the Transportation Ministry has deployed Motor Vessel (MV) Tatamailau as a ...

Ministry pledges to implement on-shore electricity facilities at ports

The Directorate General of Sea Transportation of the Transportation Ministry is committed to implementing the provision ...

SUTT construction for Likupang DSPS 58.54% complete: PLN

The construction of a 150-kiloVolt (kV) high-voltage overhead power line (SUTT) transmission network to support the ...

Transportation Ministry issues shipping notice on extreme waves

Directorate General of Sea Transportation of the Transportation Ministry issued a Shipping Notice Number 81/Phbl/2021, ...

Transportation Ministry issues notice on extreme weather for ships

The Ministry of Transportation has issued a Shipping Declaration to all stakeholders on the dangers of extreme weather ...