#vaccine production

Collection of vaccine production news, found 236 news.

Bio Farma, US pharma company cooperate for HPV vaccine production

State-owned pharmaceutical holding company Bio Farma is collaborating with Merck Sharp Dohme (MSD), one of the largest ...

Bio Farma prioritizes meeting domestic polio vaccine needs

Corporate Secretary of Bio Farma, Rifa Herdian, stated that Bio Farma's polio vaccine production prioritizes ...

Bio Farma guarantees customers' data security on digital health app

State-owned pharmaceutical company Bio Farma ensures the safety of every user data registered in the ...

News Focus

The road to develop domestically produced Merah Putih vaccine

The year 2022 marked a new chapter in the journey of the pharmaceutical industry in the country by showcasing the ...

Necessary to build heart and cancer hospital in Riau: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) accentuated the need to build a heart and cancer hospital in Riau Province in a bid to ...

Gynecologist urges women to check uterine health regularly

A gynecologist at Persahabatan Central General Hospital (RSUP), Jakarta, has urged all adult women to get regular ...

Pasar Minggu RSUD to serve as cancer referral hospital

Acting Governor of Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono has designated Pasar Minggu Regional General Hospital (RSUD) as ...

HPV vaccination targets 1.4 million fifth-, sixth-grader girls in 2023

President Director of state-owned pharmaceutical company PT Bio Farma Honesti Basyir stated that the Human ...

Bio Farma diagnostic tool uses urine to detect cervical cancer

State-run PT Bio Farma (Persero) has made a diagnostic tool that uses the latest technology to detect cervical cancer ...

Bio Farma, MSD cooperate for HPV vaccine production in Indonesia

State-owned pharmaceutical firm PT Bio Farma established a technology transfer cooperation with an American ...

BRIN develops virus-like particle to make vaccines

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) has developed a virus-like particle (VLP) using the silkworm genetic ...

Seven immunization vaccine antigens can be manufactured domestically

Seven out of the 14 vaccine antigens used for the routine immunization program in Indonesia can already be produced ...

Ministry distributes 7.5 million doses of COVID-19 booster vaccine

The Indonesian Health Ministry distributed some 7.5 million doses of imported COVID-19 vaccines to meet the requirement ...

G20 Indonesia

2nd G20 HMM outlines 6 actions to improve global health architecture

The 2nd G20 Health Ministerial Meeting (HMM) on October 27–28, 2022, in Bali resulted in a technical document ...

Indonesia receives five million doses of COVID-19 vaccine: Minister

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin confirmed that the government had brought in five million doses of Pfizer's ...