#vaccine production

Collection of vaccine production news, found 236 news.

Health Ministry focusing on six pillars to create healthy society

The Health Ministry is pursuing health system transformation through six pillars in order to create a healthy, ...

Bio Farma projects IndoVac manufacturing 100 million doses in 2023

President Director of state-owned pharmaceutical company PT Bio Farma Honesti Basyir stated that production capacity of ...

Jokowi launches domestically manufactured IndoVac COVID-19 vaccine

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) launched a domestically made COVID-19 vaccine called IndoVac that was produced by ...

3.85 mln farm animals vaccinated against FMD

At least 3,855,737 farm animals have been vaccinated against the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) as of Tuesday, the FMD ...

Bio Farma's IndoVac vaccine obtains BPJPH's halal certificate

The IndoVac COVID-19 vaccine produced by state-owned pharmaceuticals holding PT Bio Farma officially received a halal ...

Gov't directs COVID-19 vaccine industry to prioritize halal platform

The government directs the industry to utilize halal platform in the COVID-19 vaccine creation process to address the ...

Bio Farma, CEPI collaborate to bolster pandemic, endemic preparedness

State-owned pharmaceutical firm PT Bio Farma is collaborating with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations ...

IDI recommends MVA-BN vaccine for monkeypox

The monkeypox task force of the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) has recommended that the procurement of the ...

Unpad, Bio Farma hold training for researchers from OIC countries

Padjadjaran University (Unpad) and state-owned pharmaceutical firm PT Bio Farma conducted vaccine manufacturing ...

Ministry presents two awards to South Kalimantan for FMD handling

The Ministry of Agriculture has presented two awards to the South Kalimantan provincial government for its efforts to ...

G20 Indonesia

Implementing 3rd HWG to build equal global health system: Minister

Implementation of the 3rd Health Working Group (HWG) in Bali brought up several issues in an effort to build a more ...

1,589,144 farm animals vaccinated against FMD: task force

As many as 1,589,144 farm animals have been vaccinated against foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Indonesia so far, ...

FMD vaccine production targeted at 30 million doses in 2023

Spokesperson for Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) Handling Wiku Adisasmito stated that the domestic FMD vaccine production ...

G20 Indonesia

G20: 3rd HWG meeting to discuss antimicrobial resistance

The G20's 3rd Health Working Group (HWG) meeting will discuss the issue of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the ...

MPR urges govt to disseminate information on domestic vaccine

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) chairperson Bambang Soesatyo has urged the government to intensively ...