
Collection of vaccines news, found 2.452 news.

North Jakarta: Vaccinations for children rolled out at 15 sites

North Jakarta Police and North Jakarta city government jointly rolled out vaccinations for children aged 6–11 ...

Task force commends Papua's COVID-19 handling following zero Omicron

Papua administration's COVID-19 Task Force announced on Thursday that COVID-19 cases in the province were handled ...

W Java healthcare workers, security officials to get vaccine boosters

The COVID-19 booster vaccine program in West Java is targeting 184 thousand healthcare workers, Indonesian Military ...

114.82 million Indonesians fully vaccinated against COVID-19

At least 114.82 million Indonesians have received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine so far, according to data released ...

Gov't must involve private sector in vaccination program: researcher

The government must involve the private sector further in the national vaccination program considering the limitations ...

Gov't takes precautionary measures for face-to-face learning: VP

The government had taken necessary precautionary measures against the transmission of COVID-19 while implementing ...

MPR supports free COVID-19 vaccine booster shots for public

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker Bambang Soesatyo supports the government's plan to administer ...

Widodo reviews children's vaccinations at elementary school

President Joko Widodo reviewed COVID-19 vaccinations for children aged 6–11 years at Nglinduk 3 State Elementary ...

Child vaccinations to protect nation's future generation: Police Chief

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo asserted that all provinces should expedite vaccinations for ...

Some 78.93 percent residents of Babel Islands vaccinated: Task force

The COVID-19 Handling Task Force of Bangka Belitung (Babel) Islands Province reported that 1,137,824 residents, or ...

Indonesian government yet to set official price for booster vaccine

The Indonesian government has yet to determine the official price for the COVID-19 vaccine booster that applies to ...

Full vaccination coverage reaches 114.5 million

The number of Indonesians who have received two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine has reached 114.5 million, according to ...

No AEFI indication during booster vaccination trial: task force

A clinical trial of COVID-19 booster vaccinations has recorded no indications of severe adverse events following ...

House Speaker calls for free booster vaccines

House Speaker Puan Maharani has expressed the hope that COVID-19 booster vaccines will be provided to the community ...

Indonesia receives 3.5 million AstraZeneca vaccines under COVAX scheme

The Indonesian government has obtained more than 3.5 million AstraZeneca vaccine doses under the COVAX facility in two ...