
Collection of villagers news, found 1.032 news.

Evacuee count following Mt Merapi eruption increases to 203

The number of people fleeing the eruption of Mount Merapi in Glagaharjo Sub-district, Kapanewon Cangkringan, rose to ...

PMI distributes hazmat suits in Mount Merapi's disaster zones

The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) dispensed several thousand hamzat suits and face shields to protect affected residents ...

PMI dispatches two Hagglunds to Mount Merapi's disaster zones

The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) dispatched two Hagglunds to areas potentially affected by Mount Merapi's escalating ...

50 villagers residing on slopes of active Mount Merapi evacuated

Some 50 villagers, largely toddlers, pregnant women, and seniors, residing on Mount Merapi’s slopes were ...

Armed Papuans stealing village funds has become a homework: police

Papua Police Chief Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw highlighted that the armed Papuan criminal groups' thievery ...

Armed Papuan criminals disrupt endeavors to improve locals' welfare

Notorious armed Papuan criminal groups operational in the administrative areas of Intan Jaya have recurrently hindered ...

Papuan killed in gunfight joined notorious armed group year ago

The Indonesian police on Thursday said Rufinus Tigau, who was killed in a gun battle with security personnel on October ...

News Focus

Saving Indonesia's elephants and tigers from extinction

Human-wildlife conflicts and illegal wildlife trade still pose threats to Indonesia's endeavors to save its ...

A handler deployed to repel tigers from a village in South Aceh

The South Aceh district government has sent a tiger handler named Teungku Syarwani Sabil (83) to help handle conflicts ...

Internet services in Labuan Bajo to support tourism: ministry-

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) has stated that super WiFi technology has been chosen for ...

President calls to develop potential of Indonesian villages

based programs to support digital villages and tourism development through developing tourism villages. The ...

Melawi: Floods swamp thousands of homes in 18 villages

Floods have inundated thousands of houses in 18 villages in Melawi district of West Kalimantan province following ...

Floods inundate 13 villages in East Kotawaringin's three sub-districts

Floods triggered by unremitting torrential rains, submerged 13 villages in the sub-districts of Antang Kalang, Mentaya ...

News Feature

Five Mountains Festival: Solemn prayer for safety during pandemic

With the sun beaming brightly, wind blowing gently, and birds chirping merrily, nothing seemed out-of-the-ordinary that ...

Aceh Singkil residents isolated following flood-hit bridge collapse

Several hundred residents of the villages of Buluseuma and Persiapan Trans Cikala in Suro Sub-district, Aceh Singkil ...