
Collection of villagers news, found 1.032 news.

Sigi's sunday market reopened after being destroyed by 2018 earthquake

The residents of Bulubete Village in Dolo Selatan Subdistrict, Sigi District, Central Sulawesi Province, who severely ...

Banten's flood, landslide survivors build emergency bamboo pole bridge

The residents of Sukarame Village, Sarija Sub-district, Lebak District, Banten Province, bearing the maximum impact of ...

Whirlwind, torrential rains batter South Sulawesi

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) reported that whirlwind and heavy rains lashed South Sulawesi Province ...

Environmental impact assessment is critical: expert

Prof. Dr Eng. Suprihatin, an environmental expert at the Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB), highlighted the ...

PMI evacuates 150 villagers trapped in forest following flash flood

The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) of Lebak District, Banten Province, evacuated 150 flood survivors trapped in the ...

Whirlwind wrecks 1,240 houses in South Sulawesi's Sidrap District

A whirlwind ravaged 1,240 houses in Sidenreng Rappang (Sidrap) District, South Sulawesi Province, and afflicted ...

Army personnel build 15 shelters for West Java's Cileuksa villagers

The 315 Garuda Infantry Battalion personnel, Wednesday, began constructing 15 temporary shelters using bamboo poles for ...

Jokowi visits landslide victims in West Java's Harkat Jaya Village

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) paid a visit to Harkat Jaya Village, Sukajaya Sub-district, Bogor District, West Java, ...

Jokowi orders mily to restore Sukajaya Village's landslide-hit road

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ordered the Indonesian military (TNI), related ministry, and National Disaster ...

Pilot whale washes ashore on South Gorontalo beach

A dead pilot whale washed ashore on South Gorontalo beach, Tolotio Village, Bone Sub-district, Bone Bolango District, ...

Flash floods in Karawang submerge houses in six sub-districts

Flash floods swamped over a thousand houses in 15 villages in six sub-districts of Karawang District, West Java ...

Landslide in Bogor claims one life

A landslide, triggered by torrential rains, killed a 30-year-old woman in Kedung Badak, Bogor City, West Java, on ...

Strong wind, heavy rains damage a dozen of houses in Jember

Strong wind, followed by heavy, incessant rains, lashed the villages of Lampeji and Suco in Jember District, East Java ...

Almost 35 percent informal sector workers have no health insurance

Almost 35 percent of the 1,800 household heads employed in the informal sector in Indonesia's six provinces have no ...

Emergency alert status announced in Riau following flash floods

The Riau provincial administration declared an emergency alert status over the ongoing threats of flood and landslide ...