
Collection of volunteers news, found 1.218 news.

PON Papua

Volunteers maintain cleanliness, tidiness at Lukas Enembe Stadium

Around 200 of the total 620 volunteers partake in maintaining cleanliness and tidiness at the Lukas Enembe Stadium and ...

PON Papua

BNPB hands out five thousand masks before Papua PON opening

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), through the Health Protocol Sub-Task Force of the XX National Sports ...

Kotagede Yogyakarta's first subdistrict to complete vaccinations: govt

Kotagede has become the first sub-district in Yogyakarta city to complete the COVID-19 vaccination program for all ...

Preparing healthcare workers, volunteers for COVID-19 spikes: ministry

Despite the recent decline in cases of COVID-19, the Health Ministry is preparing healthcare workers and volunteers to ...

W Java's vaccination for disabled can be emulated nationwide: Official

Presidential Staff Angkie Yudistia believes that COVID-19 vaccination for people with disabilities in West Java could ...

BNPB offers mask cars for Papuans during XX Papua PON

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) organized the Mask Car Movement for Papuans in a bid to support the ...

Police expedite vaccinations in Papua's Mimika ahead of PON

The Indonesian police and military have accelerated COVID-19 vaccinations in Mimika district, Papua province ahead of ...

BNPB provides three million masks for public at Papua PON

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) allotted three million masks to strengthen the implementation of health ...

PON: 1,500 military, police personnel to be deployed in Mimika

A total of 1,500 military and police personnel will be deployed to secure the XX Papua National Sports Week (PON) in ...

Boyolali Health Office to administer 17,250 COVID-19 vaccines daily

The Boyolali District Health Office, Central Java Province, aims to administer 17,250 doses of the first vaccine to the ...

BNPB readies 2 million masks to support Papua PON

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) said it has prepared two million masks which will be distributed in four ...

PPKM posts urged to pay attention to special groups: task force

The COVID-19 Task Forced has appealed to the operators of public activity restriction command posts in villages to pay ...

33.7% of West Bangka residents vaccinated against COVID-19

At least 53,197 or 33.7 percent residents of West Bangka District have received COVID-19 shots so far, the ...

Papua PON Committee guarantees athletes' safety

The XX Papua National Sports Week Organizing Committee (PB PON) has said that the security for athletes, participants, ...

Papua PON: IPDN, Navy dispatch team to expedite vaccinations

The State Institute of Public Administration (IPDN) and the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) have dispatched a joint team to ...