
Collection of wisely news, found 288 news.

Golkar chief predicts surge in extra-parliamentary activities

Golkar Party chief Aburizal Bakrie predicts more extra-parliamentary activities will happen in 2012. "The ...

VP Boediono calls for anticipatory measures against tightening global liquidity

Indonesia needs to take anticipatory measures with regard to current global crisis which may worsen to cause global ...

Govt to cut SOEs number to 25 by 2025

The government is to reduce the number of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) from 141 today to 25 by 2025, a minister said ...

Asian parliaments urged to seize opportunities in their `Century``

The "Asian Century" will not mean anything for the welfare of Asian peoples if their parliaments fail to size up the ...

Pertamina optimistic Senoro project completed in 2014

State oil and gas company PT Pertamina believed the construction of the Donggi-Senoro liquefied natural gas plant in ...

Saudi king demands end to Syria killing, pulls ambassador

Saudi Arabia`s King Abdullah demanded an end to the bloodshed in Syria on Monday, and said he was withdrawing his ...

Govt to provide financial training to migrant workers

The Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration cooperating with the Central Bank (BI) are to provide financial training ...

MDI calls on MUI to return to its identity

The Islamic Propagation Council (MDI) called on the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUU) to return to its identity as the ...

CTI countries renew talks on world largest coral reefs

Local authorities of six countries grouped in the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) began four days of talks at ...

150,000 Indonesians die each year misusing antibiotics on TB

World Health Organization (WHO) data show that 150,000 people out of 440,000 tuberculosis sufferers in Indonesia died ...

Geothermal less risky than nuclear

The use of geothermal energy poses fewer risks than nuclear power, a number of activists said here on Wednesday. ...

Govt says not to raise fuel prices now

The government has asked the people to remain calm and not conduct panic buying of fuel oils as no price hike is ...

President Yudhoyono expects wise settlement of Libyan crisis

On behalf of the Indonesian government, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has expressed hope that the political ...

Marine Affairs Ministers Of Six Countries Meet In Wakatobi

The marine ministers from six Coral Triangle Intensive (CTI) member countries planned to meet in Wakatobi district, ...

Yudhoyono calls for respect for principles of law-based state

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono called on all parties not to damage the principles of law-based state by conducting ...