
Collection of wwf news, found 408 news.

President yudhoyono to visit US

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and First Lady Ani Yudhoyono will leave for New York, the United States, this ...

Western Green Groups Undermining Economic Recovery, Raising Costs for Pulp and Timber Producers

-     Pro-development group says campaigners want more 'green tape' that will squeeze margins and ...

Orangutans continue to face extinction in the wild

Increasing deforestation or the conversion of forest land into plantations has taken its toll on the natural habitats ...

Elephant population research in Riau uses DNA technology

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is collecting DNA samples from Sumatra elephants` faeces to conduct research in an ...

Population of Sumatra elephants in critical condition

The population of Sumatra elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus) living in Riau, Indonesia, is in critical condition ...

Indonesia and US Launch MPAG to Realize the Target of Marine Protected Areas

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) will continue to protect marine biodiversity through the ...

Greens Distort Indigenous Rights to Block Indonesian Sustainable Development at Rio

-     Pro-development group says that Green anti-business campaigns will chill investment and halt ...

NTT observes Coral Triangle Day 2012

East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) supported the Coral Triangle Day 2012, which is observed for the first time in several Coral ...

Ministry hails WWF`s guidelines for sustainable fisheries

The maritime affairs and fisheries ministry hails the recent publication of the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF)`s ...

Sumatran elephant dies at Riau conservation park

A Sumatran male elephant was found dead at Tesso Nilo National Conservation Park in Riau province on Thursday, the ...

MMAF is Optimistic to Reach 20 Million HA of Marine Conservation Area

The cooperation between Indonesia and United States continues to be improved actively by engaged  the relevant ...

Seeing REDD: WWF Poses "Direct Threat" to Livelihoods in Tanzania

-     Accusations of Evictions, Destruction of Crops, and Burning Homes Leveled Against ...

Ranger, two soldiers killed in Congo gorilla park

A ranger and two soldiers were killed in Democratic Republic of Congo`s Virunga national park as thousands fled fierce ...

WWF Indonesia demands probe into elephant`s death in Aceh

Environment organization WWF Indonesia has urged the concerned authorities to investigate the death of an elephant ...

Three elephants deaths being investigated in Riau

A joint team is investigating the death of three Sumatran elephants in Pelalawan district in Riau province to ...