#youth and sports ministry

Collection of youth and sports ministry news, found 238 news.

Sports Ministry settles LADI's arrears with anti-doping laboratory

The Youth and Sports Ministry has said it has paid off the arrears of the Indonesian Anti-Doping Agency (LADI) due to ...

Indonesian gov't forms team to lift doping sanctions soon

A team has been established to accelerate the lifting of the sanctions against the Indonesian Anti-Doping Agency ...

Perpan conceives plan on Papua's archery field usage post-PON

The Indonesia Archery Association (Perpani) has devised a plan to ensure continued utilization of the Kampung Harapan ...

Sports Minister visits Papuan women's market to see impacts of PON

Youth and Sports Minister Zainudin Amali visited a Papuan women’s (locally called ‘mama-mama Papua’) ...

PON Papua

PON expected to strengthen sense of nationhood: MPR speaker

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker Bambang Soesatyo expressed hope that the 20th PON National Games being ...

Papua PON: spectators required to get fully vaccinated

Spectators attending the XX Papua National Sports Week (PON) are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, ...

PON Papua

Organizing committee limits soccer spectators

The number of spectators allowed to watch live soccer matches during the XX Papua National Sports Week (PON) will be ...

PON Papua

President Jokowi to open PON XX National Games

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will officially launch the opening ceremony of the PON XX National Games at the Lukas ...

2021 Esports President Cup can foster esports ecosystem development

Presidential Staff (KSP) Chief Moeldoko is upbeat about the 2021 Esports President Cup (PPE) being a momentum for the ...

DBON dispels fears, concerns among athletes

Indonesian archery athlete Riau Ega Agatha Salsabila no longer harbors concerns about his future as an athlete being ...

Govt highlights national sports' grand design unveiling on Sports Day

Youth and Sports Minister Zainudin Amali announced that the ministry will officially introduce the Grand Design for ...

Sports Minister sends-off Indonesian squad for Summer Paralympics

Minister of Youth and Sports Zainudin Amali on Saturday has officiated a virtual send-off ceremony for ...

State firms as foster parents of 17 sports branches: Minister

Youth and Sports Minister Zainudin Amal revealed that 17 state-owned companies will become "foster parents" ...

PON Papua will be held on schedule, sports minister assures

Youth and Sports Minister Zainudin Amali has assured that the National Sports Week (PON) will be held as scheduled in ...

IBL 2021 athletes administered COVID-19 vaccination

All athletes competing in the Indonesian Basket League (IBL) in Robinson Resort, Bogor, West Java, were administered ...