Explore Indonesia

Breathing new life into Indonesia's south sea pearl industry

Jean de la Bruyere, the 17th century French philosopher and moralist, had once stated that "Next to sound ...

Weekend Stories

Combating sexual violence on college campuses

It becomes a reasonable question to ask, but where can women be safe since both private and community spaces are ...

Anti-sexual violence bill crucial weapon in fight against rape culture

A young girl in college had to bury her dreams of being a literature graduate as she had been raped by a famous poet ...

Weekend Stories

Strong commitment paramount to combating workplace sexual harassment

Workplace sexual harassment is among the most challenging and insidious issues since victims are oftentimes in a ...

News Focus

Active generosity should be reflected in anti-poverty efforts

Over 74 years after it gained independence, Indonesia continues to face the challenge of poverty inflicting several ...

News Focus

Rest in peace Pak Bahtiar Effendy

Muhammadiyah, Indonesia's second-largest Muslim-based organization owning some 177 higher educational institutions ...

News Focus

@jokowi tweets yet to comprehensively capture his foreign policy

Twitter is a daring and bold new world for foreign policy that most world leaders happily or reluctantly ...

Weekend Stories

Reviving the legacy of Sabeni, the Betawi fighter

Sabeni can solely be identified through a black-and-white portrait painting, bearing Sabeni bin Channam 1860-1945, ...

Weekend Stories

Meet "Si Pitung": Betawi's revered bandit, loathed by the rich

In the mid-19th Century, bordering Batavia, Jakarta’s old city under Dutch colonial government, the powerless, ...

Weekend Stories

Entong Gendut and fight for farmers' cause in early 1900s

As Indonesians get into the spirit of celebrating the country’s heroes on November 10, they have again begun ...

Weekend Stories

Haji Darip from Klender, a forgotten warlord

November 10 became one of the historic days for Indonesians since Heroes' Day is celebrated and constantly reminds ...

News Focus

A lesson learned from Fachrul Razi's controversy

Religious Affairs Minister Fachrul Razi has become a popular member of President Joko Widodo's Indonesia Onward ...

News Focus

Increasing awareness of environmental preservation among millennials

With Indonesia observing National Flora and Fauna Day on November 5, 2019, the millennial generation has become the ...

News Focus

Indonesia prioritizes fight for healthy golden generation

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has made the health and development of Indonesia’s human resources, especially ...

News Focus

Our hope for General Idham Azis

General Idham Azis has become Indonesia's police chief since early November 2019 after President Joko Widodo ...