Explore Indonesia

Weekend Stories

Air pollution issues still shroud South-East Asian countries

Despite being home to an abundance of rich natural resources, poor air quality and vast environmental degradation ...

Weekend Stories

A pilot city of ASEAN Smart Cities Network: Jakarta

When quizzed about "Jakarta Smart City" (JSC), some people were quick to say that it was synonymous with ...

Weekend Stories

Decades of fight to realize a "Drug-Free" ASEAN

Drug abuse has snatched sons from their mothers, split families, caused student dropouts after imprisonment for being ...

Weekend Stories

Indonesia poised to become Southeast Asian giant in digital economy

With a population of some 570 million, Southeast Asia’s largest economies comprising Indonesia, Malaysia, the ...

News Focus

Papua's new iconic tourist attraction Youtefa Bridge opens to public

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), during his 13th visit to Papua on Oct 28, 2019, inaugurated Youtefa Bridge connecting ...

News Focus

Metamorphosing Indonesia's economy toward competitive manufacturing

Joko Widodo (Jokowi), during his presidential inaugural address, demarcated five priorities for his second five-year ...

News Feature

Saving Julia and Cykita

Three years ago, Julia had just given birth to her baby Cykita, when a team of conservationists in South Kalimantan ...

Weekend Stories

Startup, home for innovative young people

Startup, a company initiated by individual founders or entrepreneurs to search for a repeatable and scalable business ...

Weekend Stories

Indonesian young protesters offer hope to safeguard freedom, democracy

A university students' group marched in a human chain from nearby bus stops and closest train stations to the House ...

News Focus

Jokowi springs surprise with Prabowo's inclusion in new cabinet

Joko Widodo’s (Jokowi’s) arch rival in two consecutive presidential elections, Prabowo Subianto, appointed ...

News Focus

Papua's crucial problems challenge Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin administration

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin officially took their oaths of office on Sunday but ...

News Focus

Roundup- Jokowi's smooth and peaceful presidential inauguration

- the ruling PDIP, PKB, PPP, Golkar, Nasdem, PSI, Perindo, PKPI, Hanura, and the latest one, PBB -- during the ...

News Focus

Indonesia seeks inscription of more geoparks on UGGp List

Of Indonesia's 15 national geoparks, Batur in Bali, Ciletuh-Pelabuhanratu in West Java, Gunung Sewu in Yogyakarta, ...

News Focus

Taking a cue on new capital city design from Canberra

Indonesia is looking to Australia’s capital Canberra as a reference for its capital city in East Kalimantan, part ...

News Focus

Jokowi, Prabowo project reconciliation message to strengthen Indonesia

Incumbent President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his former strong contender in the recent presidential elections, Prabowo ...